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Position paper - CenSES 1/2015

3.1.2. Energy consumption

The residential energy service demand is analysed with TIMES-Norway resulting in a demand of energy carriers

and use of different end use technologies. The energy consumption is calculated to 52 TWh in 2050 and of this

38 TWh is electricity in the reference path. The development of total energy as well as electricity from 1970 to

2012 (statistics) compared to projected future energy use to 2050 is presented in Figure 8 [10]. Due to the strong

increase in population, both total energy and electricity use increase slightly, but less than the population growth.

The indicators “energy use per person” and “electricity use per person” both decrease more than the past years.

Both total energy and electricity increased fast in the period 1970-1990, but from about 1995 the consumption

has flattened. Due to the very strong population increase in the used population projection, the energy

consumption is projected to increase slightly, but not of the same magnitude as in the 1970s and 1980s, thanks

to more efficient use.

The technologies used according to the analyses of the reference path are mainly air-air heat pumps in new single

family houses and existing single family houses continues to use direct electric heating in combination with fire

wood but with an increasing share of heat pumps. Multifamily houses will use a combination of district heat and

biomass boilers, but existing multifamily houses will also continue to use direct electric heating.

Analyses with a possibility to invest in energy efficiency measures decrease the energy use by 6 TWh in 2050,

resulting in the same energy use as in the base year. This comes in addition to the investment in heat pumps in

the reference path and the energy efficiency included in the projection of energy service demand of 7 TWh in


Figure 8 Development in the reference path of residential total energy use, electricity use, energy and electricity use per

capita and population. Unbroken line is statistics 1970-2009 and dash line is projection 2010 - 2050 (TWh/year, MWh/year

& capita and mill. persons)






















Population (mill.)

Energy use (TWh/year and MWh/capita)


Total energy



El / capita


4.1.2. Energy consumption

The residential energy service demand is analysed

with TIMES-Norway resulting in a demand of energy

carriers and use of different end use technologies. The

energy consumption is calculated to 52 TWh in 2050

and of this 38 TWh is electricity in the reference path.

The development of total energy as well as electricity

from 1970 to 2012 (statistics) compared to projected

future energy use to 2050 is presented in Figure 8 [10].

Due to the strong increase in population, both total

energy and electricity use increase slightly, but less

than the population growth. The indicators “energy

use per person” and “electricity use per person” both

decreas more than the past years. Both t tal energy

and electricity increased fast in th period 1970-1990,

but from about 1995 the consumption has flattened.

Due to the very strong population increase in the

used p pulation proje tion, the energy con umption

is pr jected to increase slightly, but not f the same

magnitude s in th 1970s and 1980s, thanks to more

efficient use.

The technologies used according to the analyses of the

reference path are mainly air-air heat pumps in new

single family houses and existing single family houses

continues to use direct electric heating in combination

with fire wood but with an increasing share of heat

pumps. Multifamily houses will use a combination

of district heat and biomass boilers, but existing

multifamily houses will also continue to use direct

electric heating.

Analyses with a possibility to invest in energy efficiency

measures decrease the energy use by 6 TWh in 2050,

resulting in the same energy use as in the base year. This

co s in addition to the investment in heat pumps in

the reference path and the energy efficiency included

in the projection of energy service demand of 7 TWh in


Figure 8

Development in the reference path of residential total energy use, electricity use, energy and electricity use per capita and population.

Unbroken line is statistics 1970-2009 and dash line is projection 2010 - 2050 (TWh/year, MWh/year & capita and mill. persons)