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Position Paper: CenSES Energy demand projections towards 2050


e energy service demand by end-use is an important premise for calculation of future energy demand. T

put used for the present calculations are based on publications from NVE, Statistics Norway and buildi

gulations of 2010. The resulting energy service demand for space heating, water heating, lighting and ot

ectricity specific use and for each dwelling type (new and existing single family houses and multifamily hous

presented in Table 5.

e residential energy service demand from 2010 to 2050 based on the described assumptions is presented

gure 7. The reference path includes energy efficiency improvements from renovations and estimated effe

the directives of energy labelling of appliances and lighting. The energy service demand will increase from

h in 2010 to 51 TWh in 2030 and 55 TWh in 2050 in the reference path. Energy efficiency reduces the dema

7 TWh in 2050 in the reference path compared to a frozen efficiency path. The dwelling area increase fr

out 263 mill. m² in 2010 to about 420 mill. m² in 2050, an average yearly increase of 1.2%. If the populati

ojection instead of following the middle path of Statistics Norway will develop according to the high or l

ojections [5], the energy service demand is calculated to 24% higher or 15% lower than the reference path

50 (+13 TWh to – 8 TWh in 2050), as presented to the right in Figure 7.

Table 5 Residential energy service demand by end-use in 2010, kWh/dwelling

Existing dwellings

New dwellings

All Single fam.

Multi fam.


Single fam.

Multi fam.

Space heating

12 300

14 600

5 900

7 800

10 700

4 000

Water heating

2 600

2 900

1 700

2 300

2 900

1 700


1 000

1 100



1 100


Other el. specific

3 500

4 000

2 300

3 200

4 000

2 300


19 400

22 600

10 600

13 800

18 700

8 700

gure 7 Residential energy service demand 2010-2050 for the reference path to the left and with alternate population

ojections on the right; L=low, M=medium, H=high population growth, (TWh/year)

The energy service demand by end-use is an important premise for calculation of future e ergy demand. The

input used for the present calculations are based on publications from NVE, Statistics Norway and building

regulations of 2010. The resulting energy service demand for space heating, water heating, lighting and other

electricity specific use and for each dwelling type (new and existing single family houses and multifamily houses)

is presented in Table 5.

The residential energy service demand from 2010 to 2050 based on the described assumptions is presented in

Figure 7. The reference path includes energy efficiency improvements from renovations and estimated effects

of the directives of energy labelling of appliances and lighting. The energy service demand will increase from 44

TWh in 2010 to 51 TWh in 2030 and 55 TWh in 2050 in the reference path. Energy efficiency reduces the demand

by 7 TWh in 2050 in the reference path compared to a frozen efficiency path. The dwelling area increase from

about 263 mill. m² in 2010 to about 420 mill. m² in 2050, an average yearly increase of 1.2%. If the population

projection instead of following the middle path of Statistics Norway will develop according to the high or low

projections [5], the energy service demand is calculated to 24% higher or 15% lower than the reference path in

2050 (+13 TWh to – 8 TWh in 2050), as presented to the right in Figure 7.

Table 5 Residential energy service demand by end-use in 2010, kWh/dwelling

Existing dwellings

New dwellings

All Single fam.

Multi fam.


Single fam.

Multi fam.

Space heating

12 300

14 600

5 900

7 800

10 700

4 000

Water heating

2 600

2 900

1 700

2 300

2 900

1 700


1 000

1 100



1 100


Other el. specific

3 500

4 000

2 300

3 200

4 000

2 300


19 400

22 600

10 600

13 800

18 700

8 700

Figure 7 Residential energy service demand 2010-2050 for the reference path to the left and with alternate population

projections on the right; L=low, M=medium, H=high population growth, (TWh/year)

Th energy service demand by

use is an importan

premise f r calculation of future energy demand. The

input used for the present calculatio s are based on

publications from NVE, Statistics Nor ay a d buildi g

regulations of 2010. The resulting energy service

demand for space heating, water heating, lighting and

other electricity specific use and for each dwelling type

(new and existing single family houses and multifamily

houses) is presented in Table 5.

The residential energy service demand from 2010

to 2050 based on the described assumptions is

presented in Figure 7. The reference path includes

energy efficiency improvements from renovations and

le 5

Residential energy service demand by end-use i 2010, kWh/dwelling

Figure 7

Residential energy service demand 2010-2050 for the reference path to the left and with alternate population

projections o he right; L=low, M=m dium, H=high population growth, (TWh/year)

esti at d effects of the directives of energy labellin

of appl a ces and lighting. The energy se vice demand

will incre s from 44 TWh in 2010 to 51 TWh in 2030 and

55 TWh in 2050 in the reference path. Energy efficiency

reduces the demand by 7 TWh in 2050 in the reference

path compared to a frozen efficiency path. The dwelling

are increase from about 263 mill. ² in 2010 to about

420 mill. m² in 2050, an average yearly increase of 1.2%.

If the population projection instead of following the

middle path of Statistics Norway ill develop according

to the high or low p ojections [5], the energy service

demand is calculated to 24% higher or 15% l wer than

the reference path in 2050 (+13 TWh to – 8 TWh in

2050), as presented to the right in Figure 7.