Figure 4:
Pictures of 50FeSi furnace in Elkem Bjølvefosen with marked excavation front.
Wacker Chemicals. In August 2015, 33MW Si-furnace no 4 was shut down due to total
renovation project. Excavation started one day after the furnace was stopped. Furnace was
about 4m high and about 8.5m in inner diameter. Electrodes were cut before the excavation
began. In April 2016 a 13 MW Si-furnace no. 1 was also shut down. Furnace was about 3 m
high and about 5 m in inner diameter. Furnace was stopped with the electrodes down in
operating position. Excavation started one week after the production was ended. Despite of
small size of the furnace and relatively long period between shut down and excavation,
interior of the reactor was very hot.
Figure 5:
Pictures of furnace no.4 in Wacker with marked excavation front.