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Position Paper: CenSES Energy demand projections towards 2050


ity production

dro power production increases in the reference path by 33 TWh towards 2050, while wind power

tion increases by 9 TWh in 2020-2030 and is back at the present level in 2050. The investments in wind

are done during the period with electricity certificates. The net electricity trade increases to 19 TWh in

d is calculated to 14 TWh in 2050 in the reference path. The wind power production increases with higher

ity trading prices as in the LOW activity scenario. If the discount rate is increased from the 4% used in

nalyses, the wind power production decrease. The net power trade is strongly dependent on the

ously given trading prices. Even in the HIGH activity scenario with a substantial increase in Norwegian

ial activity, the Norwegian power production is high enough to meet the demand.


ojection of transportation demand is based on the National transportation plan, done by Institute for

ort Economics. According to the projection freight transport have the highest increase, and the demand

ble from 2010 to 2050. Transport modes using road represented 60 % of the energy use in transport in

hile domestic sea transport represented 22 %. The growth in transport demand of the reference path is

than the population growth, thus an alternative scenario with a transportation demand based on the

tion growth is analysed; in the energy efficiency and the low activity scenario. Due to more efficient

s, the energy use by cars decreases in all scenarios, except “frozen” where only gasoline and diesel cars

se. The introduction of new types of cars is of high importance, since it can be able to half the energy

ption by cars; however it will require a huge effort in technology development. Equally important will be

ce the demand for car transportation and policies addressing this issue has to be strong.

tial sector

lation growth of 38% until 2050 is calculated to give an increased dwelling area of 60%, but the residential

service demand is only calculated to increase by 25% due to increased energy efficiency. The residential

consumption is in the reference path analysed to increase by about 12% and if all profitable energy

cy measures in addition is implemented the energy consumption may remain at the present level until

he dwelling area in 2050 is divided in about 45% area built after 2010, and most of the rest is refurbished

g area built before 2010, with a small share of dwellings that have not been renovated to an improved

standard. Energy use per capita continues to decrease in the reference path.

Power production and net electricity trade 2010-2050 in the reference path (TWh/year)







2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Power production / trade


Wind power


Small hydro

Hydro, run-off-river

Hydro, reservoir


Figure 1

Power production and

net electricity trade 2010-2050 in

the reference path (TWh/year)

Electricity production

The hydro power production increases in the reference

path by 33 TWh towards 2050, while wind power

production increases by 9 TWh in 2020-2030 and is

back at the present level in 2050. The investments in

wind power are done during the period with electricity

certificates. The net electricity trade increases to 19

TWh in 2030 and is calculated to 14 TWh in 2050 in the

reference path. The wind power production increases

with higher electricity trading prices as in the LOW

activity scenario. If the discount rate is increased

from the 4% used in these analyses, the wind power

production decrease. The net power trade is strongly

dependent on the exogenously given trading prices.

Even in the HIGH activity scenario with a substantial

i crease in Norwegian industrial activity, the Norwegian

power production is high enough to meet the demand.

Transportati n

The projection of transportation demand is base on

the National tr s ortation plan, done by Institute

for Transport Economics. According to the projection

freight transport have the highest increase, and the

demand will double from 2010 to 2050. Transport

modes using road represented 60 % of the energy

use in transport in 2010, while domestic sea transport

represented 22 %. The growth in transport demand of

the reference path is higher than the population growth,

thus an alternative scenario with a transportation

demand based on the population growth is analysed;

in the energy efficiency and the low activity scenario.

Due to more efficient vehicles, the energy use by cars

decreases in all scenarios, except “frozen”where only

gasoline and diesel cars are in use. The introduction of

new types of cars is of high importance, since it can be

able to half the energy consumption by cars; however

it will require a huge effort in technology development.

Equally important will be to reduce the demand for car

transportation and policies addressing this issue has to

be strong.

Residential sector

A population growth of 38% until 2050 is calculated

to give an increased dwelling area of 60%, but the

residential energy service demand is only calculated to

increase by 25% due to increased energy efficiency. The

residential energy consumption is in the reference path

analysed to increase by about 12% and if all profitable

energy efficiency measures in addition is implemented

the energy consumption may remain at the present

level until 2050. The dwelling area in 2050 is divided in

about 45% area built after 2010, and most of the rest

is refurbished dwelling area built before 2010, with a

small sh re f dwellings that have not been renovated

to an improved e ergy standard. Energy use per capita

continues to d crease in th refere ce path.

Service sector

The building area of the service sector is calculated to

be increased by 48% in 2050, compared to an increase

in energy service demand of 18%. About half of the

area in 2050 will be built after 2010 and the rest will be

refurbished, with the assumptions used in the analyses

presented here. The energy consumption per capita

is calculated to decrease by 10% until 2050, at the

same time as the electricity use per capita decrease by

almost 20%. The most important parameter for future

energy consumption in buildings is the population


Industrial activity and uncertainty

To illustrate the uncertainty of particularly the energy