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Position Paper: CenSES Energy demand projections towards 2050


Assumption uncertainties

Data assumptions, e.g. the development of new

technologies, are uncertain both with respect to

investment cost, to efficiencies and to the time horizon

for the development. One example of consequences of

data uncertainties is the investment of wind power in

the reference path. We observe that we will get no re-

investment in wind power when the technical life time

of the power plant is exceeded. This means that onshore

wind power is only profitable as long as the electricity

certificate market is in operation. How the investment

cost will develop for new wind farms compared to the

re-investment to replace existing wind farms is however

uncertain. The investment cost will be somewhat lower,

though more important are barriers related to e.g.

license, grid connection and public engagement which

is already handled. This kind of barriers is not part of the


Another example is the future development in vehicle

technologies and production of new transportation

fuels. Over the last decade there has been a gradually

improvement of vehicle efficiencies, and a continued

gradual improvement in the future is anticipated.

Important uncertainties in the transport sector with a

great impact on the analyses are among others:

• What will the maximum share of vehicles that can be

battery electric vehicles be?

• When will 2nd generation bio fuels based on waste

from forest be available?

• How will the cost of building new refueling

infrastructure for road transport develop?

If production of sustainable bio fuels for transport is

delayed, or not available in the analyzing period, there

will be an increased use of petroleum based fuels, in

hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

How climate change will impact the energy system

is uncertain, however there will be an impact on

both future energy production and energy demand.

Increased hydro production, due to increased

precipitation is partly taken into account in the analysis

as the hydro production in a normal year has increased.

Future increase in hydro power production is not

included, neither is reduced energy demand due to

increased average temperature included. (According

to previous work [17], the future heating demand in

buildings can be reduced by approximately 15% in 2050

compared to a development without climate change.)

Model imperfections

In this work the energy system model TIMES-Norway is

used to analyse the future energy consumption. TIMES

assumes perfect competition and perfect foresight, and

the model aims to supply energy services at minimum

cost, thus the model will utilize the whole potential of

the low-cost options with respect to technology and

energy carrier. This may result in too high utilization of

certain technologies, while the actual technology mix

is more diversified. TIMES-Norway depends on various

assumptions, ranging from technology development, to

energy prices and population projections. A huge effort

to improve input assumption has been done, however

considerable uncertainty exists in the development

towards 2050. The use of sensitivity analysis for selected

parameters contributes to an increased understanding

of the robustness of the analysis results.

The demand for energy is dependent on people’s

behaviour. Examples are in choice of vehicle, as small

or large vehicles have a huge impact of the vehicle

efficiency and in shift from use of private car to public

transport, walking or cycling. This kind of behavioural

aspects is not included in TIMES-Norway, however it is

an important area of future energy use that has to be

analysed beyond the work presented here.

Concluding remarks

Some of the analysed uncertainties are compared in

Figure 27 as changes compared to the reference path

in 2050. The activity level of Norwegian industry as

described in the LOW and HIGH activity scenarios results

in a variation from -15 TWh to +17 TWh in 2050. If the

population projection follows the high or low path of

Statistics Norway [5], the energy use of the building

sector increase by about 25 TWh or decrease with about

13 TWh, an outcome difference of 39 TWh. Another

development of huge impact is if the transportation

demand increase as much as described in the National

Transport Plan [18] or if it can be reduced to the same

growth as the population (“lower transportation” in

Figure 27). The energy demand for transport also

decreases; however to a smaller degree, if there is

no restriction on the use of battery electric vehicles.

Increased building regulation requirements may have

an important impact on the future energy demand. If

the heating demand is restricted to 15 kWh/m² for space

heating in new buildings from 2020, in accordance

with the passive house requirements, the energy use

of buildings can be reduced by about 9 TWh in 2050,