Figure 5-13 Respondents perception of degree of transferability of experience from other industries to offshore wind
power (n=98)
Figure 5-14 Respondents perception of degree of transferability of experience from other industries to photovoltaics
In summary, this section has illustrated that related industries play a key role for OWP and PV
industries in Norway. We find this both on a firm and competence level. A significant number of firms
have moved into OWP and PV while having their main activities in other industries. Many of these
firms could be seen as diversifiers. That is they have activities in OWP and PV as an addition to primary
activities in other industries.
International collaboration
In the survey we asked the respondents about the importance of international collaboration and the
type of actors they collaborate with. Four of five firms responded that international collaboration is
important. This is not surprising, given the international orientation of both OWP and PV firms, as
illustrated in section 5.3.
0 %
20 %
40 %
60 %
80 %
100 %
No changes
Some changes
Significant changes
0 %
20 %
40 %
60 %
80 %
100 %
Industry & materials
Buildings & construction
Electrical & HVAC
No changes
Some changes
Significant changes