The rip rap at Dam Svartevatn
Norwegian embankment dams built after 1950 differs to some extent compared to
international embankment dams by using clear separated zones where to grain size extends
to bigger stones in the outer layers, called the rip rap. The stones in the rip rap is placed one
by one in a specific technique, and is a typical Norwegian building method.
Even though Norwegian embankment dams have been built with rip rap the last 30-40
years, there is still little knowledge about the strength of the different rip rap techniques. In
2011, a Energi Norge-financed research program called «Full scale experiments on rip rap of
embankment dams» was started at NTNU.
The objective of the master thesis
The main objective of the master thesis figure out how the quality and strength of the rip rap
is influenced by placing the stones in an interlocking pattern. It is important for quantifying a
possible increase of the factor of safety by placing the stones nicely in a interlocking pattern.
Laboratory tests will be carried out to investigate the effect of interlocking pattern on the
strength of the rip rap.
Master Thesis
Department of Hydraulic and
Environmental Engineering
Rip Rap of Embankment
Dams – Effect of Interlocking
Pattern on the Strength of
The Rip Rap
By Eirik Helgetun Pettersen
Supervisors: Leif Lia and Priska H. Hiller