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Timeframe for different operating reserves

Illvatn reservoir

The power market in Europe is changing rapidly. There is an increased interest for flexible

hydropower as the generation capacity of variable renewable energy is increasing. Energy

storage, as well as quick response to load change from market participants are crucial for a

reliable power system and constant balance between consumption and generation. Pump

storage hydropower has the ability to offer regulating power, ancillary services and energy

storage possibilities.

The purpose of this study is to investigate existing and future market for ancillary services,

and if the added investment and operation costs can be covered by added income from

ancillary services.

As a case, we have selected a HPP in the Fortun system, the planned “Fivlemyr-Ilvatn”

project. An additional option is to study the existing Herva HPP in the Fortun system. Both

these plants are mainly intended for seasonal pumping. The Fortun hydropower system is

owned and operated by the company Norsk Hydro. In the case study, the main objective is to

compare added income from ancillary services to added cost for construction and operation,

analyze optimal capacity and design.

Master Thesis

Department of Hydraulic and

Environmental Engineering

Pumped Storage Hydropower

for Delivering Balancing

Power and Ancillary Serviced

– A Case Study in The Fortun

Hydropower System

By Ingunn Norang

Supervisor: Ånund Killingtveit