Flora Norvegica
av J.E. Gunnerus
GUNNERIA 80, 2016
shows that he often misidentified species, and even included species in the
flora which are not growing in Norway. The numerous notes to the text aim at
clarifying many of Gunnerus’ mistakes and misunderstandings. In the last chapter
Flora Norvegica
is compared with some contemporary Norwegian botanical
publications, and evaluated from a recent floristical viewpoint.
Gunnerus recorded local plant names, including Saami ones. He even created
new Norwegian names for many species. A particularly important and surprising
aspect of the flora is the insight it gives into daily life in Norway at around the
1760s, due to his annotations and discussions of plant use in all parts of the
society, though mostly among farmers. The text also gives an insight into the flora
of the cultural landscape. Gunnerus was the first to report a number of species
growing in Norway; 24 of them by literary records which are considered reliable.
For another 102 species his herbarium specimens are the oldest records available.
Per Magnus Jørgensen, Universitety of Bergen, Department of Natural History,
Allégt. 41, P.O.Box 7800, NO-5020 Bergen.
per.jorgensen@uib.noEinar Weidemann, Østre Rosten 33A, NO-7075 Tiller.
eiwei@online.noEli Fremstad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University
Museum, Natural History Department, Erling Skakkes gt. 47A, NO-7491