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annual report 2014

Plan of ZEB Living Lab. Photo: Anne J. Bruland


Planskisse av ZEB Living Lab. Foto: Anne J. Bruland

audience, the media and the experts.

The second type of expert involvement is

through actual building projects. The building

experts communicate with the public through

media in e.g. widely publicized projects such

as Brøset and Powerhouse, in which research

institutions NTNU and Sintef and prestigious

architecture offices, public institutions and

environmental organizations play a key

role. In these cases, experts are the main

representatives in the media, both directly

through interviews and (more often) through a

“kronikk”, a written intervention similar to the

American “op-ed” and a “feature story”, where

their texts, with only marginal intervention

of a journalist, are published. The analysis

shows clearly that experts avoid involvement

in the media reporting of failing projects. The

absence of engagement in fiascos and the

prevalence of direct engagement (“kronikk”)

show that experts choose carefully and

strategically where to intervene. Building

experts involve themselves with the media on

their own terms.

To conclude, the mediatization of low energy

buildings in Norway shows an overall

supportive role of the media. We found

opportunities for mutual learning among the

audience, media and experts. Additionally, by

conspicuously domesticating pilot buildings

- connecting everyday life and technological

innovation – the mediatization of low energy

buildings created a compelling image of the

compatibility of the new with the known.


Implementeringen av lavenergistandarder

for bygninger er fremhevet som et effektivt

og lite påtrengende virkemiddel for

bærekraftig utvikling. Men strengere krav i

bygningstekniske forskrifter får konsekvenser

for hjemmets privatsfære og møter derfor

motstand. Media kan bidra til å forklare

nødvendigheten av strengere krav og dermed

minske motstanden, men media kan også

stille seg på motstandernes side og skape en

barriere for implementeringen.

Vi har observert hvordan konsepter for

lavenergibygninger er kommunisert til