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Silicon Carbide composites
Carbon ceramic discs are infused with silicon to obtain silicon carbide, one of the hardest
substances on earth. As a result, superior braking performance can be exhibited and an
attractive mirrored finish is achieved. The advantages of this new brakes are that they are
extremely durable, they have better appearance and above all they withstand higher
Molybdenum Disilicide
This ceramic material is mainly used for heating elements in industrial or laboratory
furnaces. Elements fabricated of this unique material support high power densities on
their surface, can be cycled rapidly and could be used in high temperature in air. There
is also a great development in the use of this material in turbine blades.
Other applications
Gillette™ has patented a new method for producing silicon blades for shaving razors
using monocrystalline silicon (US20150360376A1).