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New and future applications of different metallurgical silicon
qualities: how could we produce them?
Míguez JM
, Pérez A
, Souto A
, Diéguez J
and Ordás R
FerroGlobe, Spain
Each year we could find new applications for silicon and most of them are related with
the most dynamic sectors of the economy. Silicon is today not only a raw material but
also a vector of development in the new economy (3D printing, batteries, biomedicine…).
Some years ago there were only two main markets for metallurgical silicon: aluminum
and silicone market. In fact, in 2002, Aluminum and Silicone market represented nearly
96% of the market. In 2015, the irruption of PV applications with 20% of the market share
have changed the picture. In that period production companies adapted their structures to
those relevant changes. Are we now ready for the changes the new economy are
introducing in our markets? In this paper we will try to summarize some new applications
we see coming in the horizon and the response we can offer from FerroGlobe to these
changes in the end markets of silicon.
During the development of the production process for Solar Grade Silicon, Silicio
FerroSolar has tested several technologies. This technologies for silicon purification are
suitable for the production of any special quality between 3N to 6N purities. We could
choose one or some of them to fulfill the customer’s requirements. We can even develop
tailored solutions adjusting the levels of certain impurities by doping or obtaining certain
granulometries by clean grinding and milling techniques. Some new applications for
Silicon and some of our technologies are shown below.
Metallic heat transfer fluids
Silicon and some of its alloys are ideal candidates to build massive storage solutions
owing to its low cost and abundance on earth. In the case of silicon, other advantages of
are the high latent heat (1,8 MJ/kg) and the high melting temperature (1410ºC).
Datas et al. proposes a new TES (Thermal energy storage) concept that has the potential
to achieve one of the highest energy densities among the existing energy storage solutions
and uses silicon, an abundant, cheap and safe material. In this system, energy is stored
as latent heat in the phase change of silicon and the energy is released in the form of
electricity by means of thermophotovoltaic (TPV) cells (Fig 1). The energy not converted
in electricity by the TPV cells is delivered in the form of heat (e.g. hot water).