A significant majority of the firms expect to increase their turnover from OWP and PV in the next three
years. Fro
m figure 5-35we can see that 90 per cent of the PV firms and 75 per cent of the OWP firms
expect increased turnover. Further, more than half of the surveyed firms expect to invest in increased
production capacity.
Figure 5-35 Firms’ expectations for turnover and investments in OWP and PV for the next three years.
Summing up key findings and conclusions
In this final section, we summarize the main results from the survey and discuss some implications on
the potential for internationalisation of the Norwegian offshore wind and photovoltaic industries.
One first thing to note is that the results describe how most firms base their activities in OWP and PV
on knowledge and experience from other industries. In particular the results exhibit the close
relationship between the oil & gas and maritime industries and offshore wind. We also observe
relations between raw materials in the supply chain and experience from industry and materials. In
both cases this underlines the role of related industries in processes of new industry formation. We
also observe this relation with regards to overlap between actors, in that many firms have activities in
OWP and PV and related industries. We find that this close relationship may offer opportunities and
possibilities to offset some barriers related to weak domestic markets. Many of the firms benefit from
competences and experience from existing offshore and mainland industries in Norway. These benefits
may include the provision of resources, access to international markets and opportunities to develop
and test products and technology. Thus, we see that a transition to renewable energy production may
involve incumbent firms in addition to new entrepreneurs. However, we also see some challenges for
the internationalisation of Norwegian offshore wind and solar firms, some of which can be linked to
the relatedness between existing and new industries. In brief, we can group these into three main
Commercialisation of new product or service
Changes in production process equipment
Increased production capacity
Increased turnover
Percentage of firms (