This page provides links to all the institutional information contained in STAN84. Please update as necessary. Where possible I have created links to institutional web pages and to those of colleagues working on S-TEAM. This is a long process so please bear with us whilst it is in progress. Please also let me know if you have a personal web space you would like to share.

ABO - Abo Akademi University, The Faculty of Education
AU - University of Aarhus
CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
CYCO - The European University-Cyprus
FSU - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
GU - Gazi University
HUT - Hacettepe University
HU - University of Helsinki
IIT - The Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science Education
JYU - University of Jyvaskyla
KTU - Kaunas University of Technology
MDU - Malardalen university
NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
TLU - Tallin University, Center of Educational Technology
UCPH - . Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen
UHB - Université de Haute Bretagne
UIO - University of Oslo
UNIVBRIS - University of Bristol, England
UNIVLEEDS - University of Leeds
UNIVSTRATH - University of Strathclyde
UPMF - Université Pierre Mendes-France
USB - University of South Bohemia
USC - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
VPU - Vilnius Pedagogical University

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