10. University of Leeds (UNIVLEEDS)

The University of Leeds is acclaimed world-wide for the quality of its teaching and  research.  Leeds is one of the largest universities in the UK with an income of £422m (2006/07).  The University has over 30,000 students including over 5,100 from overseas, attached to 700 different first-degree programmes and 470 postgraduate  degree programmes.  The large numbers of students are supported by 8,000 members of staff.  Leeds is a research intensive university which strives to create, advance and disseminate knowledge; develop outstanding graduates and scholars  and make a major impact on global society.  It is amongst the top ten universities for research in the UK.  Including post-graduates it employs some 3,000 researchers and has an annual research income of more than £90m.  Its emphasis on innovative  research and its investment in high-quality facilities and first-rate infrastructure means that no fewer than 35 of its departments are rated internationally or nationally 'excellent'.  The University's Knowledge Transfer Unit demonstrates the institution's  forward thinking approach by promoting new ways for the University to build partnerships beyond the academic sector.  The Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education (CSSME), in the School of Education, is one of the leading  centres for science education research, teaching and knowledge transfer in the world with its staff including three full professors.  CSSME has recently been involved in producing professional development materials addressing the challenges of science  teaching and learning. These materials were commissioned by the government and are being used by teachers nationally.   Task allocation The first phase of the work of UNIVLEEDS  in S-TEAM is to work collaboratively with  groups of science teachers, in their school science departments, over a sustained period to promote innovative teaching and learning practices which lead to an enhanced understanding by students of scientific conceptual knowledge and its  application.  The pedagogical approach taken is referred to as 'dialogic teaching', which involves opportunities for students to bring existing understandings to the classroom and to link them to scientific perspectives.  Key features of dialogic  teaching are student engagement and motivation.  In the second phase of the work, science teachers from phase 1 schools will be supported in cascading the developing expertise to neighbouring schools and then nationally, through the UK National  Science Learning Centre.  UNIVLEEDS will produce: professional development materials for dialogic teaching, to be used within school science departments; professional development programmes to frame the use of these materials; tools to  measure the impact on students' learning; a report of evidence of impact on both teaching and learning.  UNIVLEEDS will, within WP6, collaborate with the Mälardalen University, University of Aarhus, the Hacettepe University, NTNU and Israel Institute  of Technology in developing, refining and disseminating approaches to dialogic teaching.   Staff members who will be undertaking the work:   Phil Scott, Professor, is the Director of CSSME at the University of Leeds and  Adjunct Professor at NTNU, Norway.  He has over 30 years experience of firstly teaching science in schools and then working with science teachers through the University.  His central research interest is in science teaching and learning around  which he has led several national projects, published widely for both research and professional communities, and presented many key-note lectures internationally.   Jaume Ametller is a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds.  He has wide  experience of working with science teachers on development projects, in a range of European contexts.  He has particular interests and expertise in capturing and analyzing classroom interactions.    Indicative Allocation of Person-Months: UNIVLEEDS name  role  PM (total 9)  Phil Scott  UNIVLEEDS leader, production of  6.5, 6.6, dissemination  4.5  Jaume Ametller  production of  6.5, 6.6, dissemination  4.5

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