11. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (FSU)

The Department of Educational Psychology at the Institute of Educational Science at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena is concerned with research on teaching and learning, and with teacher education and teacher professional learning in science  education.  In the area of research on teaching and learning, a six-year video study on science teaching practices, funded by the German Research Foundation, was conducted to investigate typical teaching patterns in German science classrooms.   The outcomes of this project include the development of video codes and instruments to describe science teaching practices and the creation of tools for researchers and practitioners to analyze video recorded lessons.  Video analysis  instruments were applied to different samples of science classrooms in order to describe teaching practices in German physics classes.  In addition, we studied how these teaching practices affected student learning.

In addition to the video studies,  we summarized the state of the art in research on teaching and learning in the last decade by means of a meta-analysis, and in particular the international state of the art in science teaching practices by means of a review using the contextual  framework of the international PISA 2006 study.  In 2008, the participant was awarded the Review of Research Award of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), together with her co-author Prof. Dr. R. J. Shavelson, Stanford  University, USA. In the area of teacher education and teacher professional learning, the participant's institution is involved in research on teacher education and on professional development of in-service teachers.  In the area of professional  development of in-service teachers, the institution is focused on research-based models that help teachers to reflect upon teaching routines and tools to change science teaching practices.   Task allocation  The main task attributed to FSU is the leadership of WP9 (indicators) which includes the development of tools for the formative evaluation of the project.  The participant contributes expertise on formative and summative evaluation of research projects in  science education.  Staff members who will be undertaking the work:    Tina Seidel is Professor of Education and Chair of the Educational Psychological Department at the Institute of Education at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany.  Prior to her appointment in Jena she was Assistant Professor of  Education, Vice Head of the Educational Department, and Chair of the Research Committee at the Leibniz-Institute for Science Education at the University of Kiel, Germany.  She was Visiting Professor at the School of Education at Stanford  University.  She is a member of the AERA, the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, the German Association of Educational Research, and the German Psychological Association.  She served as invited expert for the PISA  2006 Questionnaire Expert Group, and as member of the OECD Joint Committee on a Long-Term Strategy to Study Teaching and Learning.  In her capacity as an expert on teaching and learning, she is a member of the Germany PISA 2006 Research  Group.

Her current work includes (video-based) analysis of cultural patterns in classroom teaching and learning, professional learning of teachers, improvement of university teaching, and educational research designs.  Her publications include  'Stability of Teaching Patterns in Physics Instruction: Findings from a Video Study' (with Manfred Prenzel), 'How to Run a Video Study (Technical and Methodological Guide for Video Analysis', with   M. Prenzel and M. Kobarg), and 'The Role of Student Characteristics in Studying Micro Teaching-Learning Environments'.  She is currently working on an OECD thematic report for International Science Teaching and Learning Practices (with M. Walker, B. McCray and M. Prenzel).

Indicative Allocation of Person-Months: FSU (total 38 )  Tina Seidel  WP9 Leader  2

Researcher (Dr Alexander Gröschner Collating indicators and   instruments, and analysis of data from instruments: 36 (duration of project)

Research assistant: Jana Heinz

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