4.  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

CNRS is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative  authority of France's Ministry of Research.  It was founded in 1939 by governmental decree.  CNRS evaluates and carries out all research capable of advancing knowledge and  bringing social, cultural, and economic benefits to society.  It also participates in the analysis of the national and international scientific climate and it defines and develops a national policy for technological and scientific progress.  CNRS has over 32 000 employees of which 26000 are CNRS tenured employees.  It has two national institutes, and six departments: (1) Mathematics, Physics, Earth Sciences and Astronomy; (2) Chemistry; (3) Life Sciences; (4) Humanities and Social  Sciences; (5) Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development; (6) Information and Engineering Sciences and Technologies.  The CNRS research units are located throughout France, in 19 regional offices, ensuring decentralized direct management  of the 1256 units.  Ninety percent of these are joint laboratories with universities and industry. The staff members belong to the research unit ICAR (Interactions, Corpus,  Apprentissages, Représentations) (UMR 5191) UMR ICAR Research Unit is devoted to interaction studies with linguists, psychologists, and researchers in science education.   Task allocation  The main tasks attributed to CNRS deal with the implementation and dissemination of training resources and strategies for supporting teaching and learning in science and mathematics involving a variety of discursive practices in classrooms.  These  tasks are related to teacher professional development particularly through collaboration.  The other main tasks attributed to CNRS deal with scientific literacy.   Staff members who will be undertaking the work:    Andrée Tiberghien is senior lecturer (Prof) in Science Education with more than 30 years of experience in research, collaboration with science teachers and production of teaching resources.  Currently she studies science classroom practices  and particularly discourse practice in relation to taught knowledge.  She is a member of the science Expert Group of PISA 2006 and 2009.  She has analysed questions related to scientific literacy in relation to current practices.     Sylvie Coppé is an associate professor and has been the coordinator of pre-service mathematics teacher education programme in Institute of Teacher education (IUFM).  She is the leader of a research group which collaborates with mathematics  teachers to produce teaching resources and to study how these resources could be used by others e.g. teachers who are not in the research group.  She is conducting research in algebra teaching in secondary school in relation to teachers' practices  and teachers' knowledge.   Florence Le Hebel is an associate professor in Geology at University of Lyon. Most of her teaching activity is related to primary and secondary teachers in the  Institute of Teacher Education (IUFM) and in the University of Lyon.  She has mainly worked in the field of geology (PhD in France, Post-doctoral position in Sydney University) and now develops new research interests linked to Science education.   Her projects focus on students' attitudes and motivations related to science in school and outside school.  She developed ROSE (Relevance of Science Education) studies in France, and she is starting (with Pascale Montpied) a research study on 2006 PISA results in France to approach how pupils construct their answers to the questions (units) aimed at testing scientific literacy as defined by PISA experts.   Pascale Montpied is a senior researcher in neurobiology with more than 20  years of experience in this field and has been a researcher in science education for 3 years.  She carries out research on motivation in a multi-disciplinary team of secondary school teachers and is currently working on pupils' interests and culture in  sciences.

Indicative Allocation of Person-Months: CNRS

name  role  PM (total 18 )  Andrée Tiberghien  Leader for sub-packages in WP4, WP7  5 Sylvie Coppé  Production in WP4, WP7  and WP8  4 Florence Le Hebel  Production in WP4, WP7 and WP8  4.5  Pascale Montpied  Production in WP4, WP7 and WP8  4.5

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