6.  Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)

Kaunas University of Technology is the largest technological university in the Baltic  States.  Globalization and the technological revolution have strongly influenced the nature of studies and research carried out at the University.  The principle of "completing one's studies for the rest of one's life" is being gradually substituted by  the principle of "life-long learning". Research is becoming a mandatory component of study, as we have an aspiration to maintain the University at the cutting edge, educating professionals to work and make decisions in new settings.  The University  shares the best traditions of classical Universities, offering almost all fields of technological studies and research.  The Social (including Education and Pedagogy) and Physical Sciences are particularly emphasized at the University, as a modern  university graduate is expected to have more than just professional knowledge.  The International Studies Centre meets the challenge of the main KTU mission.  It is one of the 14 faculties of KTU. A Bachelor's degree programme called "Export  Engineering" is given in the main European languages - English, German, French and Russian in order to respond to the needs of a University that is working in the European context. Core subjects of this programme include science, economics and  Foreign language subjects.  Student and staff exchange activities are highly developed under co-operation agreements with a number of Western partners.  Quality research in teaching and learning is among the main research areas of the  International Studies Centre.  Emphasizing subject and language learning integration, the International Studies Centre seeks to promote an effective learning experience for students.  The International Studies Centre is also in close partnership  with secondary schools that emphasise Mathematics, IT, Science and Language teaching and works closely with them while establishing the concept of scientific literacy for both students and teachers. The International Studies Centre also works  with the University Centre Of Teaching Competence in training Mathematics, Science and Information Technology (IT) teachers.  Among many scientific events, the International Studies Centre also hosts the Organizing Committee of the Conference  "Global Cooperation in Engineering Education: Innovative Technologies, Studies and Professional Development" that also  provides scientific information about Mathematics, Science and IT teaching and learning problems.  Task allocation In addition to being the NLP for Lithuania, KTU will produce a report on science  teacher education in multi-lingual contexts (del 5.6) and a package on the development of argumentative competence in new teachers in WP7.  Dr Aldona Augustiniene will be the gender adviser for the project.  Staff members who will be undertaking the work:      Arvydas Palevicius, Prof., is the Director of International Studies Centre, is an  expert teacher of IT and has rich experience in participating in the International School quality assurance programmes.   Regita Bendikiene, Assoc Prof., the vice director of International Studies  Centre, is responsible for Studies and scientific literacy development.   Nijole Ciuciulkiene, Assoc Prof., and the vice director of International Studies Centre, is responsible for student affairs, cooperation between secondary schools  and the International Studies centre.  Nijole Ciuciulkiene is the author of teacher qualification programmes on Problem-Based Learning and Development of Argumentative Competence.    Nijole Bankauskiene, Assoc.Prof., the Director of the Teachers' Competence Centre and the supervisor of officially evaluated requalification programme "Pedagogy".  Her main research field is the development of teacher's competencies. She also works in the field of teacher training as the supervisor of final theses, based on Action Research.   Aldona Augustiniene, Lecturer, Dr., is the Director of the Gender Studies  Centre.  Her main research sphere is the development of career decision-making skills.  Dr. Aldona Augustiniene also participates in the teacher training programme "Pedagogy" as the supervisor of final theses, based on Action Research.    Rasa Vitkeviciene, Dr., International Studies centre researcher and senior teacher of IT.  Dr.Rasa Vitkeviciene has an experience in preparing Comenius school projects and participates in the development of teachers' scientific literacy.  Dr. Habil. Palmira JUCEVIČIENĖ is the Head of Institute of Educational Studies, Kaunas University of Technology Research areas:  Development of contemporary educational science in Lithuania (European and world-wide context); Modernization of higher education and continuing education for the knowledge and  information society; Educational management and modernization of educational system through educational innovation;  Development of a learning organization and competence of an individual through teaching and learning; Social education for the democratic development of the society and communication  for facilitating European integration. Modernization of Education. Development of educational research methodology;  Philosophy and systems of higher education and continuing education; Educational management and modernization of educational system; Educational innovation and its implementation through action research;  Learning organization and its development; Development of effective communication in an organization; Competence on the international level, supported by efficient results of the EU,  American, Canadian projects, expertise, and international acknowledgement. Prof. Dr. Habil. Palmira JUCEVIČIENĖ is involved in:  Designing competence-oriented study programmes.   Research on the university/college and their improvement.  Research on the concepts of the mass higher education and the service university and their implementation in relation to the development of the university/college.   Research on the implementation of empowering study system and its application.   Indicative Allocation of Person-Months: KTU name  role  PM (total 18)  Nijole Ciuciulkiene  KTU leader, NLP and dissemination  4 Arvydas Palevicius  Supervision, dissemination 3  Regita Bendikiene  Production of 5.6 and 7.7 2 Nijole Bankauskiene  Production of 5.6 and 7.7 2  Aldona Augustiniene  Gender adviser to S-TEAM  2

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