22. Gazi University (GU)

Gazi University was founded in 1926 as the first teacher training institution in the new  republic's capital Ankara.  Since then it has grown to be the largest teacher training institution in Turkey.  Currently more than 10,000 students are enrolled in 9 departments and 26 programs of The Gazi Faculty of Education.  Gazi University and  The Gazi Faculty of Education are among the largest research institutions in the country as well.  In 2007 the university applied for 15 projects under EU's 7th Framework Programme, 11 of which will be coordinated by Gazi University staff.  The  university has a total of 16 faculties and 6 institutes for graduate studies.  Teacher Education. From the 26 programs of the Gazi Faculty of Education more  than 1,000 primary teachers and around 350 secondary teachers graduate each year.  The programs cover a wide range of fields from classroom teaching to IT technologies, in education, science, mathematics, arts, social studies, history,  language, and teaching of the handicapped.  Faculty members constantly become involved in the Ministry of National Education's projects to develop and enhance education in Turkey, including projects in Curriculum development, textbook writing  for courses, and in-service teacher training.  They also coordinate and undertake graduate education through the Institute of Education and hence get involved in research in various fields of education.  Task allocation Gazi will contribute trainng materials on the use of computer-aided animations in  science education and will assist HUT in disseminating IBST/E in the Turkish national context.  Staff members who will be undertaking the work:      Mehmet Fatih Tasar, Assoc. Prof., is a professor of science education.  His  main research interests are teaching and learning physics, cognitive foundations of learning, and history and philosophy of science.  He was involved in the recent curriculum reform efforts in Turkey which began in 2003 and continue today.  He has  published in international and national journals and has presented his scholarly works in many international and national meetings.  Dr. Tasar is actively involved in science education research and serves as an academic advisor to several masters  and doctoral students.   Betül Timur, Research Assistant, is a certified science teacher and holds a masters degree in science education.  She has designed and conducted research on  teaching scientific inquiry.  She is a doctoral candidate in science education.  Her main research interests are inquiry teaching methods, place and importance of science process skills, and pedagogical content knowledge.    Hasan Özcan, Research Assistant, is a certified science teacher and holds a masters degree in science education.  She has designed and conducted research on the misconceptions of school children and prospective science teachers.  He is a  doctoral candidate in science education.  His main research interests are history and philosophy of science, physics education, and utilizing computer technologies in science teaching and learning.

ndicative Allocation of Person-Months: GU  name  role  PM (total 12) Mehmet Fatih Tasar  WP6k leader and  dissemination for GU in WP10  4 Betül Timur  Technical production,  6.14 4  Hasan Özcan  Technical production,  6.14 4

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