the structure is made up of 10 columns placed in a decagon
shape. horizontal beams and bracing stabilise the structure
while a stiff ring below the balcony eliminates rotational forces
in addition to leading water and snow away from the structure.
the net is suspended across the middle of the structure and
connected to the balcony ring. stairs hang from the balcony
creating a floating feeling. to emphasize the fact that this is
a stargazing tower, the facade is so high that visitors cannot
see the out to the surroundings, only up towards the sky which
minimises distractions.
the design of the exercise park follows the same decagonal
concept and has different activity stations between each column
and a trampoline in the middle!
Plan 1:20
loft 1:20
exercIse Park desIgn
connectIon detaIl
structural forces
IntentIon & result
this project is about three spaces: the introverted and social
space inside, the extrovert stagazing space (the loft ) and the
journey inbetween. dreamcatcher creates a kind of stargazing
ritual where people can become ‘completely immersed in the
sky’ like my intention program aspires. It’s a place that people
of all ages can use to get in touch with the infinite space above