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In the real world, companies like Statoil demand materials

that can transport energy. The automotive industry transports

people and products. To do so cost effectively, they push

conventional materials to the limit. Conflicting properties

are required, e.g. high strength and high ductility which are

difficult to achieve in a single material. Can we take a different

approach? Can we combine materials in new geometries and

devise new processes to make these architectured materials?


The idea is to combine laminated metals, foams and polymers,

to modify existing casting and heat treatment processes to

produce both hybrid materials and hybrid processes. David

Embury exemplifies:

“If you take, say five millimetres of conventional steel and coat

it with 100 microns of high chromium steel on the surface to

produce an adherent protective oxide, you could save a great

deal of money compared to a stainless steel structure.”

At 76, Embury is not only an Honorary Doctor at NTNU; he

has just been recruited as member of SFI CASA’s Scientific

Advisory Board, (SAB). Last November he gave two lectures

in Trondheim: “Do we need homogeneous or heterogeneous

microstructures?” and “Controlling the competition between

plasticity and fracture”.


He is a professor emeritus from McMaster University in Canada,

but far from curling up on a sofa he still collaborates with

researchers around the world. During his stay in Trondheim he

talked to people from Hydro, a CASA partner, about the design

of aluminium cables for transporting electricity across the

deep waters of the North Sea.

“The concept of architectured materials has a lot of relevance

for industry. There is great interest in lightweight structural

applications for different demands, including energy transport

and energy absorption, using architectural materials. Take

titanium alloys. If we could make them transform like steels

to achieve very high strengths, they would be applicable for a

number of new purposes.

The concept of hybrids is known. What we are looking at now,

are new combinations of materials and new ways of fabricating

complex geometries that is new ways of combining existing

knowledge to design new engineering solutions,” Embury says.


David Embury expects SFI CASA to become more flexible and

inclusive than SFI SIMLab was:

“The Centre is still in the process of evolving, but the new

research field of ultra-high strain testing and the broadening

of perspective with glass is likely to increase the social impact.

One example is that work on glass in buildings also will be

interesting for glass in cars and other forms of transport.”

Without knowing, Embury confirms the interest Honda’s Eric

DeHoff showed at CASA’s kick-off, where he made exactly the

same point. Since then, other CASA partners have expressed

the same interest.


CASA’s SAB hasn’t had its first meeting yet, but David Embury

served on SIMLab’s SAB as well. He would like to contribute to

future activities:

“CASA can clearly utilize the experience of SIMLab in

encouraging the inclusion of more partners. CASA should also

build on SIMLab’s strength in the interface between mechanics

and materials. Then all kinds of things might emerge, such

as a variety of intelligent materials. The social relevance of

the products will increase with the combination of glass and


“So who would you welcome as new partners?”

“I would be happy to see a big glass producer on board. A

broadening of large producers would be valuable for all,” he

says. He thinks CASA’s portfolio may change more rapidly

than SIMLab’s did, with a broader range of applications where

products can be applied.


The scientific advisor has one more piece of advice:

“CASA is going to need good postdoctoral staff and visiting

faculty. You have very good students, but will need to increase

the manpower in the system with people from all over the

world. I am concerned that you do not increase the load on

faculty. They should remain truly productive and not overloaded

as they are in many North American universities.”

with a Hybrid

Stainless steel is expensive. What if you could get the same user qualities more cheaply

by combining a stainless surface with a conventional steel substrate using a surface modification technique?

David Embury shares a peek into a new world of hybrid and architectured materials.

How to replace

Stainless Steel