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Not OK? Still reading? Well, don’t say you didn’t get warned!

Any further reading is at your own risk. So, here goes:


SFI CASA Professors Odd Sture Hopperstad, Tore Børvik and

colleagues have just received a NOK 30 million grant to

investigate new ways of designing aluminium structures to

prevent failure. The title of the project is “Microstructure-

based Modelling of Ductile Fracture in Aluminium Alloys”,

abbreviated: “FractAl”.

“What we are aiming at is to enable the design of both the

material and structure in an optimal combination without

having to use time-consuming and expensive mechanical

tests,” Hopperstad and Børvik explain.


An attempt at a popularized explanation of their ambition might

go like this:

Imagine you understand better than anyone before you what

happens when aluminium breaks. Imagine you know the

properties of different alloys down to the nano level and how the

atoms react to different kinds of strain. Imagine you are able to

build models that identify the optimal combination of alloy and

structural components with much less testing than previously.

Then you will have saved a lot of money and laid the foundation

for vastly improved products and production processes.


Grants from the FRIPRO Toppforsk scheme from the Research

Council of Norway are highly prestigious and aim at world

leadership. In this case, it gives the core team of Hopperstad,

Børvik and Ole Runar Myhr from NTNU’s Structural Impact

Laboratory along with partners Ahmed Benallal from the

French university ENS Cachan and Jonas Faleskog from

the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden the opportunity

to “develop and validate a novel microstructure-based

modelling framework for ductile fracture in aluminium alloys

– thus reliably introducing multi-scale simulation in design of

aluminium design against failure”.

This is basic research with no strings attached. The five-year

project involves four PhD candidates and two post-docs and is

financed by the Research Council of Norway and NTNU. Start-

up is in August this year.


If there ever was a win-win situation, this is one. SFI CASA

stands to reap great benefits from the research. Where CASA is

a NOK 300 million eight-year programme working on structural

analysis of steel, aluminium, polymers and glass, Toppforsk

enables researchers to dedicate a concentrated effort in a

very specific area. The challenges of FractAl could have been

approached through CASA, but not to the same extent and in

such detail.

The outcome for CASA is a wide range of scientific findings that

will be made available to the partners by help of the SIMLab

Tool Box, where everything will be implemented. In this way,

NOK 30 million of research will give an important boost to the

rest of CASA’s activity.

Since this is basic research, the results will be published in

peer-reviewed journals and be made available to the public.


The close relationship between the FractAl project and CASA

is underlined by the composition of the project’s Scientific

Advisory Board, consisting of CASA Director Magnus Langseth

and CASA Scientific Advisory Board members John Hutchinson

and David Embury.

“We are very happy to have them on board, both because of

their capacities and because their double position will help us

avoid overlapping work in the two programmes,” Hopperstad

and Børvik underline.

The international partners - Benallal and Faleskog - are leading

international researchers within their fields. While Benallal is a

long-standing professional companion, the collaboration with

Faleskog is more recent. The five researchers also complement

each other scale-wise, ranging from Myhr at nano level to

Børvik at the top.


It is an explicit requirement for the Toppforsk grant that the

project will file an application for a grant from the European

Research Council (ERC). In the recent international evaluation

of Basic and Long-term Research in Engineering Science

in Norway, SIMLab received top score on scientific quality,

productivity, relevance and impact for society, illustrating the

group’s world-leading position.

So, when you are world-leading, where do you go? Triggered

by their faculty, Hopperstad, Børvik and colleagues decided to

go for a Toppforsk grant which will in turn direct them towards

the ERC.

Sometimes, uncovering the secrets of a very specific area of

research can bring the big picture significant steps ahead. The

topic for the project is an area where SIMLab is already world-

leading. FractAl aims at consolidating this position.


Today, Odd Sture Hopperstad and Tore Børvik are Research

Director and Vice Director at SFI CASA, respectively. They

strongly emphasize that qualifying for the Toppforsk grant

would have been impossible without the foundation they have

been part of in the SIMLab research group.

There will be close interaction between the CASA and FractAl

programmes which was an important feature that was stressed

in the application for the Toppforsk grant.

Really, you shouldn’t. It doesn’t belong here. It’s not about CASA.

It didn’t even take place last year. OK?