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Aluminium grains are tiny. There are as many in one cubic

millimetre as there are sand grains on a beach. In working

with these aluminium grains, SIMLab realized that they

needed to learn more about the details inside the grains.

There were indications that lower scale matters. The logical

consequence is that studies down to atomic level are needed

to establish material properties with greater certainty.

Studying details in the microstructure - such as particles,

precipitates, dislocations and grain boundaries - gives a

better understanding. This in turn will help with experiments,

simulation and modelling as basis for innovation.


Enter Professor Holmestad and her team at NTNU’s Department

of Physics. They possess a NOK ~20 million state-of-the-art

transmission electron microscope (TEM) allowing studies down

to 0.06 nanometre. The distance between atoms in materials

is in the order of 0.2 nanometres, so only now will the

researchers be able to study in detail what happens to the atom

structure when the materials are subjected to impacts such

as collisions and explosions. The same goes for temperature

changes. One of the many areas where such knowledge will

become increasingly important is operating oil rigs in Arctic



Randi Holmestad runs. Literally. If colleagues observe her

walking in the corridor, they will pop out of their office and ask

if something is wrong.

Running can bring you pretty far. In 1998, at 30, Randi became

the youngest female professor in the university. A few years

later, her supervisor fell ill and she had to step up as group

leader. Since then she has guided 52 master’s students and

13 PhD candidates through thick and thin. Two years ago

her department acquired the world class microscope as part

of the NORTEM large scale infrastructure project, where

NTNU collaborates with SINTEF and the University of Oslo.

Starting now, SFI CASA will be able to share the benefits. Emil

Christiansen, the first PhD candidate on this task, is already

working on this with a thesis on precipitate microstructures.


If Professor Holmestad is new to CASA, she is by no means new

to aluminium or to external partners. Norwegian aluminium

producer Hydro has a decades-long relationship with NTNU’s

Department of Physics and depends on its scientific results

to keep up front. Part of the current cooperation through the

“Hydro Road Map” scheme was developed in the tripartite

relation between Hydro, SINTEF and NTNU. CASA director

Magnus Langseth was one of the creators. Holmestad is one

of many contributors and is the proud holder of a patent on an

aluminium alloy.

“I feel privileged for taking part. This kind of long-term

cooperation has huge, mutual benefits,” she says.

Likewise, she has cooperated with CASA research partner

SINTEF for years and years. She thoroughly enjoys the


“It’s rewarding when partners like Hydro, Benteler and SAPA

need input.”


In its pure form, a piece of aluminium is bendable with pure

manpower. The application value starts when alloying with

silicon, magnesium, zinc, copper, silver, germanium and other

metals, where only a per cent or two dramatically changes the

characteristics of the material. In age hardenable aluminium

alloys this is due to nano-sized precipitates – small needles

precipitating all over the place in the alloy, which you can

observe in the microscope. As is the case for any cake in the

oven, time and temperature are crucial factors.

In Holmestad’s case, she admits a special weakness for one of

the alloying atoms:

“I’m particularly fascinated by the copper atoms.”

At the moment, Holmestad is working on a project that seeks to

reduce the alloying content of extruded and rolled aluminium

without loss of strength.

“By smart alloy design, we can reduce the total solute, the

alloys can be easier processed and Hydro saves money.”


Holmestad’s role in CASA will be to go as far down in detail as

necessary, not further. She and her collaborators will try to

establish what is needed to make more suited materials for

any given purpose; be it construction details that might be

applicable in the new government administration complex in

Oslo, a car part or another industrial application.

With time, the findings will be added to the SIMLab Tool Box

for the partners to use.


CASA’s newly recruited professor has remained faithful to

Trondheim and NTNU throughout her career, with the exception

of four half-year visits to US universities in Arizona and Illinois.

She’s run since childhood. Early on she was attracted to

orienteering. Now she’s taken up the activity, but at a more

modest level. And of course, she still runs in the corridors.

New Girl on the


The folks at SIMLab know better than anyone how aluminium grains behave under attack.

Because of that, they decided that the follow-up - CASA - needs expertise on

atomic level. Randi Holmestad’s expertise.