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What is...

What is an SFI,

what is SIMLab,

what is CASA...


PhD candidate Karoline Osnes,

test specimen in hand,

inside the NOK 6 million shock tube.

All photos this section:

Ole Morten Melgård.


NTNU Grafisk Senter


SFI, Centre for Research-based Innovation, is a funding scheme

administered by the Research Council of Norway (RCN).

The main objective for the SFIs is to increase the capability of

business to innovate by focusing on long-term research. The

idea is to forge close alliances between research-intensive

enterprises and prominent research groups.

The host institution for an SFI can be a university, a university

college, a research institute or an enterprise with a strong

research activity.

The partners (enterprises, public organisations and other

research institutions) must contribute to the centre in the

form of funding, facilities, competence and their own efforts

throughout the life cycle of the centre.

The life cycle is eight years. Each centre receives roughly 12

MNOK per year from RCN. The host institution and partners

must contribute with at least the same amount.


Structural Impact Laboratory, SIMLab, is a research group at

the Department of Structural Engineering, NTNU. From 2007 to

2014, SIMLab hosted an SFI with the same name, SFI SIMLab.

This double use of the name sometimes causes confusion, but

now you know:

SFI SIMLab is history; the SIMLab research group is alive and


All the more comforting, since the group carries with it all the

expertise that brought SFI SIMLab to a world-leading position

in the design of crashworthy and protective structures.


CASA, Centre for Advanced Structural Analysis, is the name of

the new SFI hosted by the SIMLab research group.

The vision of SFI CASA is to establish a world-leading centre

for multi-scale testing, modelling and simulation of materials

and structures for industrial applications.

In doing so, CASA will both go further down in scale to

nano level and wider in scope than SFI SIMLab did.

New materials such as glass are included.

The annual report you are reading right

now, is the first from SFI CASA. The

Centre was officially established

on 1 July 2015.