Pelton turbine model.
Photo: Master thesis by Martine Wessel.
Flow in a bucket. This picture is taken with
25 m head, nozzle opening of 10 mm and n11
= 38,5.
Photo: Master thesis by Martine Wessel.
Even though the Pelton turbine is more than a 100 year old invention, there are still some
areas with a lack of knowledge. Amongst them is the flow in the turbine buckets, coming
from the water jet. A model of a runner has been made in the Waterpower Laboratory to get
a deeper understanding of this topic.
In this master thesis tests of the runner will be carried out, and the different flow patterns
for different running condtions will be analyzed. Both standard tests and tests with the use
of a high-speed camera, using an onboard borescope mounted to the runner itself, will be
conducted. If time allows it, particles may be placed in the flow and the trajectories filmed.
Supervisor: Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug
By Audun Tufte Larsen
Master Thesis
Waterpower Laboratory
Pelton Turbine
– Model Test of a Runner