Flora Norvegica
av J.E. Gunnerus
GUNNERIA 80, 2016
Gunneria is a periodical published by the NTNU University Museum at the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. The name
Gunneria is in memory of Johan Ernst Gunnerus (1718-73), one of the founders
of this institution.
Gunneria presents original work related to the museum’s area of responsibility
and academic areas, i.e. biology, archaeology and cultural history. All research
papers are subjected to peer review.
Gunneria is published irregularly as an open access online journal (from issue 80)
under a CC-BY 4.0 license and immediately available for anyone free of charge.
There are no page charges for manuscripts accepted for publication.
Solveig Bakken,
Solveig.Bakken@ntnu.noTorkild Bakken, Torkild
Bakken@ntnu.noBernt Rundberget,
Bernt.Rundberget@ntnu.noDag-Inge Øien (this volume),
Dag.Oien@ntnu.noInstructions to authors
www.ntnu.edu/museum/gunneriaPrevious issues
www.ntnu.edu/museum/gunneriaISSN: 1894-7859
ISBN: 978-82-8322-077-3
Trondheim 2016
Grafisk design: NTNU Grafisk senter
Trykt av: Skipnes Kommunikasjon AS