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Department of Chemical Engineering

Annual Report 2015


developing consistent and structurally solvable process

models on different scales that match the particular

application. The technology is physics-based with

extensions to allow for grey-box modelling. It aims at

replacing various graphical interfaces to simulators and

generates code for the major chemical engineering

simulators such as gProms, Matlab, Modelica etc. but will

also be able to generate stand alone, application-tailored

simulators. The fourth generation of a high-level

modelling tool (Preisig) incorporates object-oriented

tools for efficient thermodynamic modelling, which

extend into the efficient computation of thermodynamic

information. Rather than a traditional implementation of

activity or fugacity coefficients, emphasis is put on the

use of structured equation sets governed by

thermodynamic consistency rules (Haug-Warberg).

The thermodynamic models are implemented in

symbolic form with automatic differentiation capabilities

and serves as the basis of several industrial strength

simulations (YASIM, CADAS) and energy accounting tools

(HERE) in co-operation with Statoil, Hydro and Yara

(Haug-Warberg). A primary aspect of thermodynamic

(and other physics) modelling is the required consistency

of physical units. We have a procedure to obtain self-

consistent models, including automatic generation of

gradients. This technique has so far been tested up to

sixth order gradients, which are needed for higher-order

critical point calculations.

In cooperation with Yara AS we have implemented a

thermodynamic stream calculator “Yasim”. It has a

gentle learning curve using the familiar Excel worksheet

interface whilst using state-of-the-art thermodynamic

methods. All model information including mass balances,

energy balances, chemical and phase equilibrium

relations are defined in symbolic form. Differentiations

are done in symbolic form. These properties add

unsurpassed flexibility to Yasim that is not found in any

other software of its kind. The ease of use should make

it ideally suited for training and use in an industrial



The MoDeNa project, which NTNU (Preisig) is

coordinating, is part of EC's Framework 7 program.

MoDeNa stands for


delling of morphology


velopment of micro- and


nostructures and is part

of an EC cluster consisting of 4 + 1 projects: Deepen

(Tyndal, Irland), MMP (TNO, Netherlands), NanoSim

(SINTEF), SimPhoNy (Fraunhofer, Germany) plus a fifth

associated member ICMEg (RWTH, Aachen). The

cluster's objective is to generate a platform for the

materials modelling for process and product design,

which in the long run extends to operations, thus control

on all scales The MoDeNa consortium includes UNITS

(Trieste, Italy) for nanoscale modelling, VSCHT (Prague,

Czech Republic) for mesoscale modelling, Uni Stuttgart

(Germany) for thermodynamic properties, TUE

(Eindhoven, Netherlands) for micro-scale fluid

properties, POLITO (Turin, Italy) for macroscopic flow,

Wikki (London, GB) for the platform, BASF

(Ludwigshafen, Germany) for the cases of thermoplastic

Polyurethane and Polyurethane foams. IMDEA (Madrid,

Spain) for the modelling of the mechanical properties,

whilst DIN (Berlin, Germany) is together with NTNU

attempting to define a standard for the representation

of mathematical models. NTNU is the coordinator and

responsible for the generic organisation of the models,

workflows, data models and data storage as well as the

systematic generation of surrogate models, which

involves a loop of design of experiments – detailed

model simulations – fitting of the surrogate model –

quality assessment and if necessary an improved design



Preisig is also member of EMMC, the EC's European

Materials Modelling Council.


The model generally needs to be fitted to experimental

data, and the group has always had a strong focus on

statistical methods and experimental design (Hertzberg).

Although Professor Hertzberg retired in 2007, he is still

active in this area, and in particular, in mentoring.


The system biology activity in the group is rather new,

and we here provide a more detailed status on it.

Whereas the rest of the Process Systems engineering

group looks at any process, whether it is a large industrial

scale process or a smaller parts of the process, and strive

to model, optimize and control it, the systems biologist

in the group (Nadav Bar and coworkers) use similar tools

to achieve the same in processes from the world of

biology. This includes understanding the biological

system, modelling it qualitatively and quantitatively,

analysing the models to find hidden properties, and

ultimately developing control applications in order to

drive the system towards more desired objectives. We