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annual report 2015

research work and previous pilot projects,

EPDs, and the LCA database Ecoinvent.

Greenhouse gas emissions have been

reduced by over 50 % compared to what is

found in a standard reference building.

The building will be constructed with solid

wood as a primary building material. The

exterior walls will be made up of prefabricated

elements with solid wood and insulation

from locally produced and renewable wood

fibre. The solid wood elements have been

developed in collaboration with the Massivlust


To enable evaluation of alternative design

solutions for the various building components,

a matrix was drawn up which provides an

overview of the structure, cost, greenhouse

gas emissions, and requirements for building

physics, acoustics, and fire. This has allowed

continuous consideration of potential solutions

and options and their greenhouse gas


The greenhouse gas emissions from the

transport of building materials, transport of

personnel, earthworks and other construction

works (construction machinery, building

electricity, building drying, barracks, etc.) have

been estimated based on the contractor’s

existing experience and experience with ZEB

pilot projects.


The building will have a hybrid ventilation

system consisting primarily of natural

ventilation through windows in summer and

mechanically balanced ventilation with heat

recovery in winter. The plant will have minimal

complexity due to a minimum of control

devices. The aim is to optimize the building










-­‐20 000

-­‐15 000

-­‐10 000

-­‐5 000


5 000

10 000

15 000

20 000

Alterna(ve 1: PV-­‐panels high


Alterna(ve 2: PV-­‐panels high


Alterna(ve 3: PV-­‐panels lower


Alterna(ve 4*: CHP, gasifica(on

kg CO2-­‐eq. per annum

Emission reduc3on electricity (self-­‐consump3on & export)

Emission reduc3on hea3ng (self-­‐consump3on & export)

Emissions construc3on phase ( C )

Emissions building materials ( Mb )

Emissions building services, materials ( Mt )

Emissions energy use el.-­‐specific incl. plug loads ( Oel )

Emissions energy use hea3ng * ( Ov )

Emissions CHP+gasifica3on+fuel

Emissions PV-­‐panels, materials


The figure illustrates the total greenhouse gas emissions for four alternative energy solutions. All the solutions meet the objective of

compensating for emissions from the construction phase, the production and transportation of materials, and the operation of the building

(ZEB-COM). Source: Asplan Viak.