Priser - Forskning - Helseundersøkelsen i Trøndelag
Priser for analyserettigheter
Priser for analyserettigheter
For å kunne forvalte HUNT-materialet er det nødvendig med et økonomisk vederlag.
HUNT forskningssenter
Priser - Datautlevering [pdf]
HUNT biobank
Priser - Bidrags-, oppdrags- og EU-finansierte prosjekter + private prosjekt [pdf]
Universitetene er pålagt å prise etter TDI-modellen. Dette medfører justerte priser for data og materiale fra HUNT.
HUNT publication fund for researchers at the Department of Public Health and Nursing (ISM)
Up to NOK 200,000 per year can be granted, with a maximum limit per application of NOK 60,000 for consortia and NOK 30,000 for other publications. Researchers who do not have their own flexible project funds can apply.
HUNT publication fund can cover the publication fee for the following:
1) Consortium in which HUNT will be an important contributor
2) Method articles based on HUNT data
3) Validation articles based on HUNT data
4) Strategically important publications for HUNT
Application can be sent to
Applications are processed in DAC.