Louren�o, 1998

The members in this very small family, which includes only 2 genera and 2 species [Updated 07.05.03], were orginally placed in the Chactidae. In a revision in 1992, they were placed in the family Superstitioniidae. Recently, they were placed in a new family, the Troglotayosicidae. As the name indicates, the two species in this family are troglobites (cave dwelling species). They are found in Europe (a small area in Spain and France) and in Ecuador in South America. The European species, Belisarius xambeui, is a very special scorpion that lacks eyes and pigmentation.

No scorpions in this family have been reported to occur in captivity except for a handful collectors in Europe keeping Belisarius (myself included).

No data have been found about the venom of these scorpions, but they are probably harmless.

Belisarius xambeui photo by Dr. Wilson Lourenco (C) and The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins/ CEVAP (C)

This list of genera and species is based on Fet et al.(2000). Subspecies is not included in the list. I try to update the list as additions and changes are published. * denotes changes after Fet et al. (2000). I will be grateful for information about new development in the taxonomy of this family. For information about synonyms and bibliographies, see Fet et al. (2000)

Belisarius Simon, 1879
B. xambeui Simon, 1879
Troglotayosicus Lourenco, 1981
T. vachoni Lourenco, 1981

Jan Ove Rein (C) 2003