IURIDAE Thorell, 1876 |
This family consists of 6 genera and 21 species [Updated 06.05.03]. They are
distributed in western North America, South America, Asia
(Turkey) and Europe (Greece). A common characteristic of the
genera in this family is the presence of a large darkened
tooth on the internal margin of the cheliceral movable finger.
This characteristic is unknown in other scorpions. Many of the
scorpions in this family inhabit arid and semi-arid habitats.
Some of them also experience "winter conditions" during the
Several species in this family are popular in captivity,
and are easily obtained through suppliers. Especially popular
are the scorpions in the genus Hadrurus because they
are large, long-lived, and easy to keep in captivity.
The scorpions in this family can deliver painful stings,
but are not of medical importance. They will sting if
disturbed or provoked.
A few Iurus dufoureius dufoureius habitat pictures from Crete.
A few Iurus dufoureius asiaticus habitat pictures from Turkey.
Hadruroides charcasus (left) photo by
Jay Stotzky (C) Hadrurus
arizonensis (right) photo by Michael Andersen
FILES: This list of genera and species is
based on Fet et al.(2000). Subspecies is not included in the list.
I try to update the list as additions and changes are published. * denotes changes after Fet et al. (2000). I will be grateful
for information about new development in the taxonomy of this family.
For information about synonyms and bibliographies, see Fet et al. (2000) |
Anuroctonus Pocock, 1893
A. phaiodactylus (Wood, 1863)
Caraboctonus Pocock, 1893
C. keyserlingi Pocock, 1893
Hadruroides Pocock, 1893
H. aguilari Francke & Soleglad, 1980
H. carinatus Pocock, 1900
H. charcasus (Karsch, 1879)
H. galapagoensis Maury, 1975
H. leopardus Pocock, 1900
H. lunatus (L. Koch, 1867)
H. maculatus (Thorell, 1876)
H. mauryi Francke & Soleglad, 1980
H. udvardyi Lourenco, 1995
Hadrurus Thorell, 1876
H. arizonensis Ewing, 1928
H. aztecus Pocock, 1902
H. concolor Stahnke, 1969
H. gertschi Soleglad, 1976
H. hirsutus (Wood, 1863)
H. obscurus Williams, 1970
H. pinteri Stahnke, 1969
H. spadix Stahnke, 1940
Calchas Birula, 1899
C. nordmanni Birula, 1899
Iurus Thorell, 1876
I. dufoureius (Brull�, 1832)
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