This family consists of 10 genera and 128 species [Updated 05.05.03].
Most species have been described in recent times. There
has been a lot of discussion about some of the genera and
species in this family, and several genera have been
transferred to other families. The members of this family are
widespread in the Americas from Mexico into South America.
NEWS! Soleglad & Sissom, 2001 have
transfered the genus Chactopsis to the family Euscorpiidae.
Scorpions in this family are rarely kept in captivity.
Chactid scorpions are not medically important.
Brotheas granulatus photo by
Dr. Wilson Louren�o (C) and The Journal of Venomous Animals and
Toxins/CEVAP (C)
FILES: This list of genera and
species is based on Fet
et al.(2000). Subspecies is not included in the list. I
try to update the list as additions and changes are published.
* denotes changes after Fet
et al. (2000). I will be grateful for information about
new development in the taxonomy of this family. For
information about synonyms and bibliographies, see Fet
et al. (2000) |
Pocock, 1893
B. bariensis Gonz�lez-Sponga,
B. bilbaoi Gonz�lez-Sponga,
B. brejo Lourenco, 1988 B.
bruzuali Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1980 B.
caroniensis Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1996 B.
colombiensis Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1976 B.
bariensis Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1991 B.
delicatus (Karsch, 1879) B. efreni
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1978 B. eliasilvai
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1980
B. fei Pinto-da-Rocha, Gasnier, Brescovit & Apolinario, 2002*
B. fravalae (Lourenco,
1983) B. gaillardi (Lourenco,
1983) B. garciai Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1978 B. gollmeri (Karsch, 1879) B.
goujei Vellard, 1932 B. granosus
Pocock, 1900 B. guaiquinimensis
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1997 B. josemanueli
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1992 B. kelleri Lourenco,
1997 B. kjellesvigi Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1974 B. laui Kjellesvig-Waering,
1966 B. leoneli Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1978 B. mapuera Lourenco, 1988 B.
neblinensis Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1991 B.
nitidus Pocock, 1893 B. orinocensis
Scorza, 1954 B. panarei Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1980 B. paoensis Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1996 B. parvulus Pocock, 1897
B. polisi Monod & Lourenco, 2001*
racenisi Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1975 B.
riopinensis Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1992 B.
sanmartini Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1974 B.
santanai Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1978 B.
sarisarinamensis Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1985 B.
scorzai Dagert, 1957 B. simarawochensis
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1980 B. sissomi (Lourenco,
1983) B. yekuanae Gonz�lez-Sponga,
C.L. Koch, 1837 B. amazonicus
Lourenco, 1988 B. camposi Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1972 B. cataniapensis Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1997 B. cunucunumensis Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1984 B. dasilvai Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1978 B. gervaisii Pocock, 1893 B.
granimanus Pocock, 1898 B. granulatus
Simon, 1877 B. humboldti Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1980 B. jourdani Lourenco, 1997 B.
libinallyi Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1978 B.
lichyi Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1980 B.
mawarinumensis Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1991 B.
mingueti Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1973 B.
munozi Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1997 B. overali
Lourenco, 1988 B. paraensis Simon,
1880 B. perezramirezi Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1996 B. rionegroensis Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1996 B. sanabriai Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1997 B. silvestris Lourenco, 1988 B.
wilmeri Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1980
Gonzalez-Sponga, 1996 C.
venezuelensis Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1996 |
Gervais, 1844 C.
aequinoctialis (Karsch, 1879) C.
barbacoensis Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1987 C.
barravierai Lourenco, 1997 C.
brevicaudatus (Karsch, 1879) C.
brownelli Lourenco, 1997 C. camposi
Mello-Leit�o, 1939 C. choroniensis
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1978 C. chrysopus Pocock,
1893 C. exsul (Werner, 1939) C.
ferruginosus Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1984 C.
gansi Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1974 C. gestroi
Kraepelin, 1912 C. hauseri Lourenco,
1997 C. interpuncta Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1987 C. karschii Pocock, 1893 C.
keyserlingii Pocock, 1893 C. laevipes
(Karsch, 1879) C. latuffi Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1976 C. lepturus Thorell, 1867
C. major Kraepelin, 1914*
C. mahnerti Lourenco, 1995
C. marinae
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1987 C. mauriesi Lourenco
& Florez, 1990
C. ozendai Lourenco, 1999*
C. oxfordi
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1978 C. raymondhansorum
Francke & Boos, 1986 C. reticulatus
Kraepelin, 1912 C. rogelioi Gonz�lez-Sponga,
1972 C. rubrolineatus Simon, 1880 C.
scabrimanus Kraepelin, 1912 C. setosus
Kraepelin, 1912 C. simonii Pocock,
1893 C. vanbenedenii (Gervais,
1843) C. yupai Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1994 |
| Gyanochactas
Lourengo, 1998 G.
gonzalezspongai (Lourenco, 1983) G.
mascarenhasi (Lourenco, 1983) |
Pocock, 1893 H. odoardoi
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1985 H. schaumii (Karsch,
Williams, 1974 N. allenii
(Wood, 1863) |
Gonzalez-Sponga, 1978 T.
manisapanensis Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1992 T.
porosa (Pocock, 1900) T. verneti
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1992 T. vestigialis
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1978
Simon, 1878 T. adrianae
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1975 T. akananensis
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1984 T. amazonicus (Simon,
1880) T. atramentarius Simon, 1878 T.
carmelinae Scorza, 1954 T. dubius
(Borelli, 1899) T. festae (Borelli,
1899) T. gervaisii (Pocock, 1893) T.
glaber Kraepelin, 1912 T. guerdouxi
Lourenco, 1995 T. lisei Lourenco,
1994 T. lojanus (Pocock, 1900) T.
maturaca Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1991 T.
oculatus Pocock, 1900 T. ohausi
Kraepelin, 1912 T. reticulatus
Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1991 T. rosenbergi (Pocock,
1898) T. simonsi (Pocock, 1900) T.
whymperi (Pocock, 1893) T. wittii
(Kraepelin, 1896)
Gonzalez-Sponga, 1978 V.
amazonicus Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1991 V.
ashleeae Lourenco, 1994 V. lasallei
(Gonz�lez-Sponga, 1978)
| | |