Laurie, 1896

In a recent revision (Soleglad & Sissom, 2001), the family Scorpiopidae and the chactid genus Chactopsis were included into the Euscorpiidae. This was done after a very thorough phylogenetic analysis of the two families.

In November 2020, Frantisek Kovarik and co-workers presented a major revision of the family Scorpiopidae. The family status and the relation with the family Euscorpiidae has not yet been finally understood, but in this paper the authors use the family group name to be consistent with its most recent usage in the literature. I'm following this decision and have reinstated Scorpiopidae as a family in The Scorpion Files. More information can be found in the article:

Kovarik F, Lowe G, Stockmann M, Stahlavsky F. Revision of genus-group taxa in the family Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905, with description of 15 new species (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Euscorpius. 2020(325):1-140.

After the revision, this family now includes 6 genera and 113 species [Updated 09.10.24]. Euscorpiidae are widespread in central and southern Europe, and also found in Africa (Mediterranean coast), North America (Mexico), Central America (Guatemala), South America (Brazil, Peru, Venezuela). One species has become established in some parts of southern England. The forefathers of these scorpions probably came with merchandise to the harbors, and have succeeded in surviving in sheltered places.

Some species of this family have been reported in captivity, especially members of the genus Euscorpius.

The members of the genus Euscorpius are under taxonomic investigations by professor Victor Fet and other scientists. Several important changes are expected, and these will be published in The Scorpion Files as soon as they are official.

Online identification key for the Euscorpius genus. This key is now outdated!

Euscorpiids are harmless scorpions which possess no threat to healthy humans.

Some habitat pictures for E. carpathicus in Italy.
Some habitat pictures for E. flavicaudis in England.

Soleglad, M. E. & Sissom, W. D. 2001: Phylogeny of the family Euscorpiidae Laurie, 1896: a major revision. 25-111. In V. Fet & P. A. Selden (eds.). Scorpions 2001. In memoriam Gary A. Polis. British Arachnological Society. Burnham Beeches, Bucks. xi + 404 pp.

Genus Chactopsis has been transfered back to Chactidae based on the decisions in Lourenco, 2003 and Lourenco et al., 2011.

Thanks to Dr. Victor Fet and Dr. Benjamin Gantenbein for keeping me updated on Euscorpius taxonomy!

Euscorpius flavicaudis photo (left) by Jan Ove Rein (C). (C)

This list of genera and species is based on Fet et al.(2000) and Soleglad & Sissom, 2001. September 2019: Subspecies are included in the list. I try to update the list as additions and changes are published. * denotes changes after Fet et al. (2000). I will be grateful for information about new development in the taxonomy of this family. For information about synonyms and bibliographies, see Fet et al. (2000)

Alpiscorpius Gantenbein et al., 1999* (23)
A. alpha (Caporiaco, 1950)*
A. beta (Di Caporiacco, 1950)*
A. caporiaccoi (Bonacina, 1980)*
A. croaticus (Di Caporiacco, 1950)*
A. delta Kovarik, Stundlova, Fet & Stahlavsky, 2019*
A. dinaricus (Di Caporiacco, 1950)*
A. gamma (Caporiaco, 1950)*
A. germanus (C.L. Koch, 1837)
A. istanbulensis Tropea, Yagmur & Parmakelis, 2024*
A. kappa Kovarik, Stundlova, Fet & Stahlavsky, 2019*
A. karamani Tropea, 2021*
A. lambda Kovarik, Stundlova, Fet & Stahlavsky, 2019*
A. liburnicus Tvrtkovic & Rebrina, 2022*
A. mingrelicus (Kessler, 1874)
A. omega Kovarik, Stundlova, Fet & Stahlavsky, 2019*
A. omikron Kovarik, Stundlova, Fet & Stahlavsky, 2019*
A. orgeli Yagmur, 2024*
A. pavicevici Tropea, 2021*
A. phrygius (Bonacina, 1980)*
A. sigma Kovarik, Stundlova, Fet & Stahlavsky, 2019*
A. uludagensis (Lacroix, 1995)*
A. ypsilon Kovarik, Stundlova, Fet & Stahlavsky, 2019*
A. zloporubovici Tropea, 2021*
Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 (76)
E. aladaglarensis Tropea & Yagmur, 2016*
E. alanyaensis Tropea, Yagmur, Parmakelis & Kunt, 2016*
E. altadonnai Tropea, 2017*
E. amorgensis Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2017*
E. aquilejensis (C. L. Koch, 1837)*
E. arikani Yagmur & Tropea, 2015*
E. avcii Tropea, Yagmur, Koc, Yesilyurt & Rossi 2012*
E. balearicus Caporiacco, 1950*
E. biokovensis Tropea & Ozimec, 2020*
E. birulai Fet, Soleglad, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2014*
E. bonacinai Kovarik & Stahlavsky, 2020*
E. borovaglavaensis Tropea, 2015*
E. borovaglavaensis flavus Vignoli, 2024
E. calabriae Di Caporiacco, 1950*
E. candiota Birula, 1903*
E. canestrinii (Fanzago, 1872)*
E. carpathicus (Linnaeus, 1767)
E. celanus Tropea, 2012*
E. ciliciensis Birula, 1898*
E. concinnus (C. L. Koch, 1837)*
E. corcyraeus Tropea & Rossi, 2012*
E. curcici Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2017*
E. deltshevi Fet, Graham, Webber & Blagoev, 2014*
E. drenskii Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2015*
E. erymanthius Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2013*
E. eskisehirensis Tropea & Yagmur, 2015*
E. feti Tropea, 2013*
E. garganicus Caporiacco, 1950*
E. garganicus garganicus Caporiacco, 1950
E. garganicus molisanus Tropea, 2017
E. giachinoi Tropea & Fet, 2015*
E. gocmeni Tropea, Yagmur & Yesilyurt, 2014*
E. gulhanimae Yagmur, 2024*
E. hadzii Caporiacco, 1950*
E. hakani Tropea & Yagmur, 2016*
E. honazicus Tropea, Yagmur, Karampatsou, Parmakelis & Yesilyurt, 2016*
E. hyblaeus Tropea, 2016*
E. idaeus Yagmur & Tropea, 2017*
E. italicus (Herbst, 1800)
E. janstai Kovarik & Stahlavsky, 2020*
E. kabateki Kovarik & Stahlavsky, 2020*
E. kinzelbachi Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2014*
E. koci Tropea & Yagmur, 2015*
E. koschewnikowi Birula, 1900*
E. kritscheri Fet, Soleglad, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2013*
E. lagostae Caporiacco, 1950*
E. latinus Tropea & Parmakelis, 2022*
E. lesbiacus Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi, Stathi & Zafeiriou, 2020*
E. lycius Yagmur, Tropea & Yesilyurt, 2013*
E. mylonasi Fet, Soleglad, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2014*
E. naupliensis (C. L. Koch, 1837)*
E. niciensis (C.L. Koch, 1841)*
E. oglasae Di Caporiacco, 1950*
E. olympus Blasco-Arostegui & Prendini, 2023*
E. ossae Di Capriacco, 1950*
E. parthenopeius Tropea, Parmakelis, Sziszkosz, Balanika & Bouderka, 2014*
E. petaberoni Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis & Stathi, 2024*
E. popovi Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2015*
E. sadileki Kovarik & Stahlavsky, 2020*
E. salentinus Tropea, 2017*
E. scaber Birula, 1900*
E. scheraboni Kovarik & Stahlavsky, 2020*
E. sicanus (C. L. Koch, 1837)*
E. simaiakisi Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis & Stathi, 2022*
E. solegladi Fet, Graham, Webber & Blagoev, 2014*
E. stahlavskyi Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2014*
E. stefaniae Tropea & Parmakelis, 2022*
E. studentium Karaman,2020*
E. sulfur Kovarik, Audy, Sarbu & Fet, 2023*
E. sultanensis Tropea & Yagmur, 2016*
E. tauricus (C. L. Koch, 1837)*
E. tergestinus (C.L. Koch, 1837)
E. thracicus Kovarik, Lowe, Byronova & Stahlavsky, 2020*
E. trejaensis Tropea & Parmakelis, 2022*
E. triantisi Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis & Stathi, 2022*
E. trichasi Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis & Stathi, 2024*
E. vailatii Tropea & Fet, 2015*
E. vignai Tropea, Fet, Parmakelis, Kotsakiozi & Stathi, 2014*
E. yagmuri Kovarik, Fet & Soleglad, 2014*
Megacormus Karsch, 1881 (8)
M. franckei Kovarik, 2019*
M. gertschi Diaz Najera, 1966
M. granosus (Gervais, 1843)
M. grubbsi Sissom, 1994
M. orizaba Teruel, Kovarik, Lowe & Stahlavsky, 2023*
M. seductus Teruel, Kovarik, Lowe & Stahlavsky, 2023*
M. segmentatus Pocock, 1900
M. xichu Gonzalez-Santillan, Gonzalez-Ruiz & Escobedo-Morales, 2017*
Plesiochactas Pocock, 1900 (3)
P. dilutus (Karsch, 1881)
P. mitchelli Soleglad, 1976
P. vasquezi Trujillo & Armas, 2012*
Tetratrichobothrius Birula, 1917 (1)
T. flavicaudis (DeGeer, 1778)
Troglocormus Francke, 1981 (2)
T. ciego Francke, 1981
T. willis Francke, 1981

Jan Ove Rein (C) 2025