A brand new family, recently described from Central Asia
(Tajikistan, Uzbekistan). Originally, a monotypic family with only one
genus and one species thus far discovered. This species is
found in semi-savanna habitats. Although unclear, it is
possible that this family is related to Buthidae and/or
Chaerilidae. This family consists of 5 genera and 7 species [Updated 24.05.22]. In addition, the family
consists of one extinct genus with 16 extinct species. These are listed below, but are not counted in the number of taxa as The Scorpion Files only lists extant taxa.
September 2007: A new genus and species (Troglokhammouanus steineri) has been described
from the Tham Xe Bangfai cave in Laos by Lourenco (2007).
December 2010: A new troglobitic genus and species (Vietbocap canhi) has been described
from the Tien Son cave (Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park) in Vietnam by Lourenco & Pam (2010).
Januar 2012: A new troglobitic species (Vietbocap thienduongensis) has been described
from the Thien Duong Cave (Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park) in Vietnam by Lourenco & Pam (2012).
Mars 2012: A new troglobitic species (Vietbocap lao) has been described
from the Tham Nam Lot Cave in Laos by Lourenco (2012). The new subfamily Vietbocapinae Lourenco, 2012 is proposed to accommodate the genus Vietbocap
July 2012: A new species of Pseudochactas (Pseudochactas mischi) has been described
from south-central Afghanistan by Soleglad, Kovarik & Fet (2012).
April 2018: Two new species of Vietbocap have been described
from a cave system in Vietnam by Lourenco, Pham, Tran & Tran (2018).
October 2021: Review of the family with several synonymizations, a new subfamilies and a new genus by Prendini, Ehrenthal & Loria (2021).
May 2022: A new genus and species is reported from China by Tang (2022).
January 2025: A study of the extinct family Chaerilobuthidae has concluded that this family should be regared as a subfamily in the extant
family Pseudochactidae (Chaerilobuthinae Lourenco & Beigel, 2011). This family consists of one genus and 16 species. All are extinct and described from fossil materials.
Mars 2025: A study by Lourenco & Velten has rejected the taxonomical decisions by Xuan et al, 2025.
The authors also elevate Pseudochactidae Gromov, 1998, to superfamily status as Pseudochactoidea Gromov, 1998. Likewise, they raise Vietbocapinae Lourenco, 2012, to family rank as Vietbocapidae Lourenco, 2012.
The authors also synonymize Troglokhammouaninae with Pseudochactidae Gromov, 1998, and Aemngvantom with Vietbocap Lourenco & Pham, 2010. These major taxonomical decisions seem to be made
mainly because Lourenco and Velten disagree with several previous works but do not present any real and thorough arguments or analysis themselves to justify the proposed decisions. Because of this I have chosen
not to accept the decisions in this article until justification based on morphological, phylogenetical and/or genetical anslysis are published.
This scorpion has not been reported in captivity.
No data have been found about the venom of these
Photo of Pseudochactas ovchinnikovi
by A. Gromov through Dietmar Huber (C).
FILES: This list of genera and species is
based on Fet et al.(2000). Subspecies is not included in the list.
I try to update the list as additions and changes are published. * denotes changes after Fet et al. (2000). I will be grateful
for information about new development in the taxonomy of this family.
For information about synonyms and bibliographies, see Fet et al. (2000) |