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This stargazing tower is a part of an agreement between

The Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art at NTNU and the

municipality of Rindal. This agreement aims to create a

cooperation regarding education, research and practice

within the activities of architecture, art planning and property


The municipality of Rindal has initiated a project called

“Rindal - time for living”. Within the project there is a part

called “Kul-Tur-Sti”, a ‘culture path’ in Rindal that includes

plans of small building projects such as a bird watching tower,

a bridge, a sauna, rest stops and more. The individual building

projects should be developed and built through educational

master courses at The Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art at

NTNU. Two of the building projects have already been realized

– a sauna which was built during the spring of 2011 and a bird

watching tower which was finished in 2013.


The “Kul-Tur-Sti” is an idea introduced in 2005 by three

local associations in Rindal with the purpose of creating a

combined walking and culture path which hopefully would

tie the area closer together. One of the projects goals is to

emphasize the preservation and utilization of local, natural

and cultural resources. It also seeks to create meeting

places for the residents as well as preserving and developing

the area’s identity. These goals are achieved by introducing

different small building projects such as the already existing

bird watching tower and sauna, the stargazing construction

showed in this book and some other planned projects. In all

these constructions, quality and aesthetics are the foundation

of the design. Another important goal of the culture path is

that it can be enjoyed by all kinds of user groups: families,

joggers, bicyclists, people walking either to or from school,

for workout or transport, wheel chair users, visually impaired/

blind, elderly, or cross-country skiers.

A vision of the municipality is that the culture path will

become innovative and interesting even for people from

outside of Rindal. The community sees a great value and

development potential in the culture path which may create

positive ripple effects like employment and the promotion of
