the Process
the process of making a stargazing tower and work out area for
rindal started by making an intention program. already at that
time I was quite clear on wanting to offer rindal three types of
interlaced activities. a place to watch the stars comfortably and
maybe even sleep over. somewhere to eat and be social around
a fire. a work out and play area that was well integrated with
both the rindal culture Path (kultursti) and the site surround-
ings. In my opinion, both stargazing, camping and the play area
were equally important to work on in order to get a multifunc-
tional solution. on the other hand, focusing on the stargazing
would to be the most important when creating site identity.
What dId I ProPose?
I made a stargazing tower where you can lie comfortably on your
back on a net and get a framed view of the night sky. a place
where you can sleep protected from winds and elevated from
the cold ground. you could go there alone to enjoy the quiet, or
with some friends or family to share the stargazing experience.
I also developed the culture Path further to include spaces and
platforms for play and working out, leading up towards the pla-
teau with the stargazing tower and camping. each platform with
its own use: strenght exercises, ropes, yoga and camping.
the stargazing tower and the platforms and camping site are
different, but still quite similar. they are all made by using the
bypass system. however, the stargazing tower appears as more
strickt. It is made out of a 90
square bypass box, elevated from
the ground and rising five meters high. Its vertical cledding tells
you where it wants you to focus: vertically, from the ground and
up towards the stars. on the countrary, the camping site and
other platforms have a horizontal and more playful 360
the bypass is not only connected to prefabricated columns, but
to trees on site, making it more random and fun to explore.
sIte analysIs and Plan sketch
- strong vertIcal
- Protected from
- exPosed to raIn/
- framIng vIeW
- more “curvy” or
aIry feelIng
- an uncommon
- Protected on
three sIdes
- “vertIcal Panora-
ma” forWard
- 360
vIeW and aIry
- exPosed to WInd
- Protected from
PrIncIPle sketches for Box oPenIngs