Test facilities
The picture above shows a test where the Phantom V1610 high-speed camera has been used.
A 7 mm laminated safety glass is hit by a 7.62 calibre lead bullet at a speed of 800 m/s. The camera is set
to a frame rate of 60 000 FPS and exposure time 0.452 µs.
Transmission Electron Microscopy (12)
SFI CASA cooperates with the TEM Gemini Centre at NTNU,
providing SFI CASA access to 5 TEMs: a JEOL double corrected
ColdFEG ARM200F (2013), a JEOL 2100F (2013), a JEOL 2100
(2013), a Philips CM30 (1989) and a JEOL 2010 (1993). The TEM
Gemini Centre also has a well equipped sample preparation lab
and computing facilities.
SFI CASA has a FLIR SC7500 infrared camera that can convert
infrared radiation to a visual image that depicts thermal
variations across an object or scene. Thus it can be used
to measure the surface temperature of a specimen under
inelastic deformations. With a resolution of 320x256 pixels the
maximum frame rate is 380 per second, while at a resolution
of 48x4 pixels the maximum frame rate is 31 800 per second
During impact testing of materials and structures, the events
are recorded using high-speed cameras with a maximum frame
rate of 1 000 000 FPS. The research group has access to 2
Photron and 2 Phantom cameras.
Shock Tube Facility (10)
The SIMLab Shock Tube Facility consists of a long tube and a
tank. The tube is 18.2 m long and is divided into six sections.
The tube ends in a 5.1 m
dump tank. The tube starts with
a circular internal cross-section with a diameter of 0.34 m
before it is transformed to a square cross-section of 0.3 m x
0.3 m. Threaded holes in the tube floor enable mounting of test
specimens in the test section, and windows in the test section
and the dump tank allow high-speed cameras to investigate
the structural response during an experiment.
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) laboratory (11)
SFI CASA has access to a SEM lab with the following equipment:
Zeiss SUPRA 55VP (LVFESEM, 2006), Hitachi S-4300SE
(FESEM, 2002), Zeiss, Ultra 55LE, FESEM (2007), Jeol
840 (1989). 3 SEMs are equipped with EDS and
EBSD. The laboratory have in-situ sub-
stage systems for EBSD tensile and
thermo mechanical experiments
(heating, and cooling down
to -60 °C).