Upgrading of Lysebotn II hydropower plant is underway from an existing installed capacity
of 210 MW to 370 MW. This will be achieved by constructing a new underground waterway
system including high pressure headrace tunnel, surge chamber, underground powerhouse
and transformer cavern, tailrace tunnel and access tunnel.
The MSc thesis consists of:
• Analyzing the placement of underground caverns.
• Document mechanical and engineering geological parameters of the rocks and rock
masses and estimate in-situ stress conditions at different critical locations.
• Carry out numerical modelling at the selected section to check hydraulic jacking.
• Carry out stability assessment of underground caverns using empirical, analytical and
numerical approaches.
The MSc thesis will be carried out inn cooperation with Implenia Norge AS, with Peder Ronny
Sødal as co-supervisor.
Master Thesis
Department of Geology
and Mineral Resources
By Lars Emil Eide
Supervisor: Krishna K. Panthi
Evaluation on potential
hydraulic jacking at the high
pressure headrace tunnel
and stability analysis of
underground caverns of
Lysebotn II hydropower