Photograph of conductor fault that caused power oscillations
in NTEs network. Taken by technicians in NTE.
Open conductor faults occur from time to time in the power system. An open conductor fault
in a regional distribution system caused unexpected large poorly damped rotor oscillations in
synchronous generators in a power station operated by Nord Trøndelag Elektrisitetsverk.
The main question has been: why did the synchronous generator exhibit this (unusual?) poor
damping during this kind of fault?
The dynamic behavior of synchronous machines will be investigated by use of simulation
programs, where an equivalent network model is established.
Further work will implement regulators and protection systems in the simulation models, and
laboratory experiments
Master Thesis
Department of Electrical
Dynamic Behavior of
Synchronous Machines
During Open Conductor Fault
By Hans Olav Røste
Supervisor: Trond Toftevåg