Department of Civil
and Environmental
Spring 2017
Testing of Air
Entrainment in the
Spillway at Follsjø
Kaspar Vereide
Leif Lia
In cooperation with:
Karoline Mittet Brøste
In 2016, Statkraft Region Midt Norge hired
NTNU to perform a model study of the spillway
at Dam Follsjø to check whether the capacity
was satisfying. A model was built in the lab and
capacity measurements were performed.
The commercial project finished in 2016, but
the model is still at Vassdragslaboratoriet. The
purpose of this master thesis is to find ways to
measure the air entrainment in the spillway and
examine the amount of air entrained. Factors
like roughness and water velocity influences
the amount of air entrained and these will be
examined. This is an important part of model
studies which is often taken extra account for
by letting in too much air in the system. It will be
exciting to find out more about the mechanisms
of air entrainment.
The model in the laboratory
Dam Follsjø with the
spillway to the right