Department of Civil
and Environmental
Spring 2017
Placed Riprap on
Rockfill Dams
Fjóla Guðrún Sigtryggsdóttir
Testing in the laboratory
Guri Holte Veslegard
According to the regulation on dam safety
(Damsikkerhetsforskriften), the downstream
slopes of rockfill dams need to be protected
with placed riprap. Placed riprap means stones
placed one by one in an interlocking pattern.
Today there is a lot of ongoing reconstruction
and rehabilitation work on rockfill dams to
oblige requirements from the government.
Therefore, it is of interest to look closer at the
behaviour of the placed riprap.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate
placed riprap exposed to overtopping. Also,
practical conditions for calculating the required
rock size used in the field will be investigated.
This is done by looking into the background of
the formulas and given form factors from the
guidelines for embankment dams.
Placed riprap exposed to overtopping will be
tested in the laboratory, and the displacement
that occurs will be measured. The discharge of
overflow is increasing until the riprap fails, and
this concludes the test.