Department of Civil
and Environmental
Spring 2017
Dam Storlivatnet
Spillway – Model Tests
of a New Spillway
Leif Lia
Kiflom Belete
In cooperation with:
Baard Aasmund Utvik
With the increased focus on floods during the
last few years, the spillway at Dam Storlivatnet
is found to have insufficient capacity relative to
new flood calculations. The NVE have imposed
Saudefaldene to increase the capacity at Dam
Because of the difficulties in the topography
and the fact that the dam has a historical value
because it is the first arch dam in Norway, it
is found that a reasonable solution is to build
a side-weir connected to a closed spillway at
the right side of the dam. This is in addition
to maintaining the already existing roller gate
through the dam.
The objective of this thesis is to build a physical
model at Vassdragslaboratoriet in Trondheim
to verify the capacity and investigate hydraulic
situations for the chosen solution.
The topography forces the new weir to be placed
very close to the already existing roller gate. It is
very difficult to calculate the influence the weir
and the roller gate will have on each other, and
this is to be examined in the model tests.