NR-prisen for studieåret 2009-2010 - NR-prisen
Prisen for studieåret 2009-2010
Prisen for studieåret 2009-2010
Prisen tildeles Lester Johan Solbakken for oppgaven Fuzzy Oscillations.
Juryens begrunnelse
Lester Johan Solbakken's Master's Thesis, "Fuzzy Oscillations", makes a significant contribution to artificial intelligence by proposing a simple, elegant model of oscillatory spiking behavior that abstracts away the myriad details of these intricate neural interactions while maintaining the critical essence. He then uses this model to perform accurate and efficient separation and segmentation of visual image data, achieving very promising results.
The thesis is extremely well crafted in terms of language usage, technical content, data presentation/visualization and general organization. The work has been published in the proceedings of The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks.
Lester Johan Solbakken utførte sitt arbeid ved Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, med professor Keith Downing som veileder.
Administrerende direktør Lars Holden overrakte prisen ved IMEs velferdsarrangement 3. november 2010. I bildet ser vi (fra venstre) Keith Downing, Lester Johan Solbakken og Lars Holden.