KPI-NTNU Collaboration within Industry 4.0 Education

Project under the Eurasia program of Siu/Diku (now HK-dir). The current projects, and work on this wiki is based on cooperation with colleagues and friends at the KPI in Kyiv. This collaboration started around 2010, while building a common foundation for education within sustainable manufacturing. 

HK-dir - our sponsor in Norway - challenged all the projects of the Eurasia program to present a 120 second (max) video about each project. 

Project video on NTNU Panopto video-platform (link)

The final workshop in the project was in December, 2022. 13 female staff and students could travel to NTNU in Gjøvik, during wartime. With hope for a better future!

Link to information page for the the joint summer-school held online during the COVID-19 pandemic, in September 2020: (link)  

See this wiki-page for details of the project and cooperation with colleagues in Kyiv, Ukraine (to be contd....)

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  1. We have just submitted our final report for HK-dir review, and will update this summary page soon

  2. This page needs to be updated soon!