
Update in October, published work by Netland et al. (see blog link) showing the power of expert use of "augmented intelligence" and good data:

Since ChatGPT was launched by Open AI, and re-launched the latest update just a little while ago, there is much talk about the quite likely thing that this could be the great break-through of user-friendly, but also as yet questionable AI.

Who knows, but you should reflect a bit over this as it will be relevant for almost all kinds of future work. In my opinion – not very surprising-  I think you need to read some of the latest updates, soon, and an excellent recent review article in the MIT Technology Review, by David Rotman, see link below.

The title of the popular review article is: “ChatGPT is about to revolutionize the economy. We need to decide what that looks like. New large language models will transform many jobs. -Whether they will lead to widespread prosperity or not is up to us.

I think that is a pretty good summary of the current status. Please leave a message or comment if you’d like to share your opinion with other interested readers.

At NTNU, our colleague Inga Strumke is researching “XAI” as in Explainable AI.

I’ll check out one of her recent publications to see what we could discuss as relevant for a human-centric cyber-physical production system.

Citation, for later review:

Julia Amann et al.(2022): “To explain or not to explain? Artificial intelligence explainability in clinical decision support systems. PLOS Digital Health.

For the extra-curious: check out the links below from the news in 2018, if available, when we were learning about the Finnish version of “Open AI”, i.e. the free online course for all!

The image/illustration above is barrowed from the website - and linked announcement from 2018, still available as useful and very interesting background. The free, online courses are also supported by NTNU and many others.


“Helsinki University and tech strategy firm Reaktor say they want to make Finland the world's most educated country in the field of artificial intelligence.

The academic and business partners say they want Finland to become forerunners in AI, and have developed an online course covering the quickly-growing technology open to anyone, free of charge.

"The Elements of Artificial Intelligence" online course is offered to people who are interested in learning more about AI.

User interface designer at Reaktor Janina Fagerlund, cited in 2018 (still relevant) in the news item mentioned above, says people might not know it, but their lives are already affected - one way or another - by AI every single day.

As a perhaps unexpected example, Fagerlund says that AI is used in industrial food production to sort produce and other items at food processing facilities.”

Re-use and re-cycle

In Norwegian the term "Manufaktur" used to be well known- when textile manufacturing and clothing was still a significant industry, often local.

Tekna is buidling a library of recorded video-streams from online lectures and inspirational talks about technology, and climate action- and many other related themes:

In Norwegian, and including a "link"  (=reference) to the podcast known as "fÆb". Re-use is high fashion these days (smile)

Knut Skinnes jobber i Våren As som utvikler tech-plattformer og investerer i start-ups. Som grunder og ansvarlig tilrettelegger i Greenhouse, forteller han hvordan de der plukker ned sirkulær økonomi til noe konkret og jordnært, som skal endre verden.

Knut understreker alvoret vi står i og belyser mulighetsområdene innenfor råvarer, sirkularitet, og kvalitet. 

Knut var også nylig innom som gjest i Jointhefaebrik sin podcast fÆb. Der snakker KlimaKnut om hvordan han ønsker å bidra til å revolusjonere gjenbruk og gjenvinning av klær! Hør selv! (Episoden heter Klima-Knut + selvroast)

Interessert i å lære mer? Finn en rekke opptak fra foredrag og seminarer om temaet klima.

Podcast "Klima-Knut + Selvroast" episode at fÆb with Knut (Google it!), Knut enters the podcast-recording at about 33 minutes into the episode(!). 

<iframe style="border-radius:12px" src="" width="100%" height="352" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"></iframe>

Should probably contain a link to e.g. LinkedIn, or other more suitable "blog-space". Based on a template and challenge from the supervisor to share text/thinking online 

Inspiration: Arne Krokan at NTNU has used open blogs for student assignments to scale for several years....

Hello world!

This is our first blog-post. More to follow, probably mostly about how to set the course and direction of this new web-space. Hope to see you and hear from you in due time!