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CenSES annual report 2015

The user cases in CenSES bring together researchers across

the defined Research Areas to address specific research

topics. The topics are decided upon in cooperation

with the user partners in CenSES, and all user partners

can suggest new user cases. The end result of the

user cases will be a Position Paper that will be made

publicly available and launched at open workshops.

There are currently five ongoing user cases in CenSES:

• Flexible Norwegian energy as a green service to Europe

• Policy instruments for energy efficiency

• Decarbonization of the transport sector by large scale


• The common Swedish - Norwegian elcertificate market

• Nurturing new technologies

One user case was finalized in 2015:

• Energy demand projections in Norway towards 2050.

This user case was started in 2013 and led by Kari Espegren,

Institute for Energy Technology (IFE). You can find the

position paper online on

User cases and Position papers

Flexible Norwegian energy as a green

service to Europe

Renewable power sources play a greater role in the

European energy mix, increasing the need for a stable but

flexible source to counter the unpredictable nature of

wind and solar power. We investigate Norway’s capabilities

to provide such flexible services and, in this way, to act as

a green battery for Europe. Our study includes both direct

export of energy and balancing services. The user case is

done in cooperation with FME CEDREN.

Contact person: Kjetil Midthun (SINTEF T&S)

Policy instruments for energy efficiency

This position paper provides an outline and a critical

discussion of policy instruments for energy efficiency in

Norway, with a particular focus on buildings. Increased

energy efficiency has been a political goals since the mid-

1970s, but the achievements have been limited and with

diverging results. The main policy instruments have been

market based, highlighting economic features of energy

efficiency efforts. Based on previous and ongoing CenSES

research, we propose the need for a different framing of the

issues and greater emphasis on non-market based policy


Contact person: Knut H. Sørensen

Decarbonization of the transport sector by

large scale electrification

This user case will consider aspects of a large scale

electrification of the transport sector. This includes

power transmission, distribution networks, the need for

instantaneous power and power balance. Public perception

and attitudes towards electrification of transportation

services will also be discussed. Additionally, gaining an

understanding of various rebound effects by following the

transport behaviour of different groups will be included.

This incorporates questions such as: How does transport

behaviour change a) for those not buying an e-car, b) those

having acquired an e-car recently and going through a

transition phase, and c) those who have been using an e-car

for some time? In addition, life-cycle analysis in general and

recycling of batteries is planned as a part of the user case.

Contact person: Peter Ahcin (SINTEF Energy)