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Annual Report 2016


Ivan Depina, researcher at SINTEF Building and Infra-

structure, focused on Arctic coastal erosion protection

measures, thermal modelling of Arctic coasts and the

wave-induced response of buried pipelines during 2016.

A report on Arctic coastal erosion protection measures

was prepared by Depina investigating the applicability of

different erosion protection measures to Arctic conditi-

ons and highlighting Arctic-specific design challenges.

Thermal modelling of Arctic coasts is an important

element in ensuring long-term stability of erosion prote-

ction measures. Depina’s research on thermal modelling

included the application of inverse modelling for the

interpretation of soil thermal properties from field

measurements, and the application of passive cooling

systems for the preservation of permafrost. In addition

to changing thermal conditions, the stability of erosion

protection structures needs to be evaluated with respect

to wave-induced response. As a part of these activities,


Thermal modelling of Arctic coasts: this figure illustrates the

potential effects of a passive cooling system on the ground

temperatures in a coastal slope. Passive cooling systems

can provide prolonged periods of frozen ground, as illustrated

by the blue colour below the coastal slope, thus reducing

the risk of coastal slope failure and erosion.

In 2016 Arne Instanes published a paper in the journal

Cold Regions Science and Technology discussing how

to incorporate climate-warming scenarios in coastal

permafrost engineering design. He presented case

studies from Svalbard and northwest Russia.

Instanes continues to develop his model, aiming to per-

form probabilistic analysis utilising the newly developed

THM models and taking into account the most recent

climate-warming scenarios.

The results of this study will be summarised and

presented in a journal paper that is expected to be

submitted before the summer of 2017.




Vestpynten site after a severe storm in November 2016.

Anatoly Sinitsyn, researcher at SINTEF Building and

Infrastructure, continues his work on the guidelines for

the design of environmentally friendly and sustainable

coastal structures and technology. Within the Guidelines

report, Sinitsyn worked on the chapter ”Introduction and

Generalities” and suggested an outline for three further

chapters namely, “Prospective Stage”, “Design Stage”

and “Monitoring Stage”.

During 2016 Sinitsyn participated in three key confe-

rences of great relevance to the topics of permafrost

and coastal dynamics in Postdam, St. Petersburg, and

Oxford. Further developments and discussions resulting

from attending these conferences have been used to

develop the Guidelines report. Furthermore, Sinitsyn

in collaboration with former postdoc Emilie Guegan,

contributed to the organisation of a side meeting on

”Coastal Permafrost in Transition (CPiT)” during the

11th International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP2016)

in Potsdam, Germany. This side meeting gathered wor-


ld-leading experts in the field of Arctic coastal dynamics

and included sessions on coastal monitoring, modelling,

database development and key sites for the study of

Arctic coastal dynamics.

In addition, Sinitsyn continued to collect field data

from the Vestpynten test site and, together with Magne

Wold, examined the consequences of a severe storm

in November 2016 on the Vestpynten site. This storm

significantly eroded part of the coastal section next

to a SAMCoT Coastal Erosion field site. However, the

shoreline at the SAMCoT site was largely unaffected by

the storm due to a snowbank. This shows how sediment

transport is affected by the local coast characteristics,

in this case the existence of a snowbank within one of

the sites.

SAMCoT researchers will use the conclusions drawn

from these observations to define key elements in the

design of shore protection structures.

the floatation potential of buried pipelines in different

wave and soil conditions was examined with a model

that can capture the wave-induced response of soil.