Annual Report 2016
Both the elastic-plastic and the elastic-viscoplastic
models mentioned above are restricted to saturated
frozen soils. However, soils in the Arctic are mostly
unsaturated. Modelling the behaviour of unsaturated
frozen soils is a new field of research and substantial
theoretical development will be required to reach this
goal. To facilitate this research path, Amiri and his
team at NTNU adopted the THM model developed by
Yared Bekele in WP2 and further developed it into an
in-house THM finite-element code similar to PLAXIS.
Bekele defended his PhD thesis, Isogeometric Analysis
of Coupled Problems in Porous Media - Simulation of
Ground Freezing, on 19 May 2016.
During his PhD study, Bekele incorporated a simple non-
linear thermo-elastic material model and successfully
applied it to the simulation of frost heave problems.
After defending his PhD thesis, Bekele worked for 6
months as a researcher trying to incorporate Amiri’s
elastic-plastic model into his THM model. The theore-
tical nature of Amiri’s elastic-plastic model required
significant modifications to the governing equations of
Bekele’s original THM model. The modifications of Beke-
le’s code are now completed and the implementation of
the elastic-plastic model is still progressing.
Rapid coastal erosion threatens Arctic coastal
infrastructure, including communities and industrial
installations. Coastal erosion in the Arctic is a function
of numerous processes, including nearshore hydrodyna-
mics, thermal and mechanical behaviour of frozen and
unfrozen soil, atmospheric forcing, and the presence of
sea ice. In particular, surface waves play an important
role as they force circulation, which can lead to erosion.
The interaction between surface waves and sea ice is
quite complex. On the one hand, sea ice suppresses
waves by scattering and dissipating wave energy, but
on the other hand, the waves can break up the ice. Sea
ice also determines the available fetch and duration for
wave generation and evolution.
As development increases in northern regions, there is
an increased need to understand and predict coastal
erosion in those areas. This means, among other things,
that we need to improve the existing wave models to
take into account the effects of sea ice.
Hongtao Li started as a PhD candidate in September
2016. The main task for Li is to investigate the different
physical processes associated with the interaction bet-
ween waves and sea ice. Li’s study will contribute to the
theoretical development of waves-in-ice models, which
will eventually improve our ability to predict coastal
erosion in the Arctic. In addition to the theoretical work,
Li’s PhD study will put an emphasis on observations and
field data collected using in-situ and remote sensing
measurements. This is very important in order to
understand the governing mechanisms and dominating
physical processes, as well as to validate the theoretical
models under development.
In October 2016, Li participated in experiments on
waves-ice interactions conducted in the ice tank
at Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA) under the EU
Hydralab+ programme. Li gained valuable lab experience
and is currently working with the data, examining
the portion of the wave energy that dissipated due to
colliding floes.
Long-term settlements due to creep phenomena are of great
importance in cold region engineering. Creep settlements are
highly influenced by the applied stress level and the tempe-
rature. The second simulation shows the effect of changing
applied stress and temperature on the creep settlements of
a foundation over 8 years. As shown in the graph, creep rate
is increasing with increasing stress level and temperature.
As expected, the creep rate of frozen soil in summer time is
more critical than in winter time.
PhD candidate Nadeem Ahmad is working on numerical
modelling of sediment transport in the Arctic environ-
ment. Ahmad uses the open-source Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code REEF3D for his research, ba-
sed on three-dimensional (3D) Navier-Stokes equations.
The level set method for the free surface along with
the turbulence model is implemented in the code,
which solves complex free surface flows such as wave
breaking, standing waves and flow around hydraulic
structures. In the sediment transport module of the
code, the simulated hydrodynamics is coupled with the
3D morphological model to capture the erosion process.
The model simulates the erosion and deposition,
including the development of bed shear stresses, bed
load and suspended load. In addition, the morphological
calculations are based on sediment properties such
as median sediment size, sediment density, sediment
porosity and the Shields parameter. This makes the
morphological model more robust and efficient when
simulating the erosion process for different morpho-
logies. Ahmad’s contribution to WP6 is appreciable.
Recently, a paper about the numerical modelling of the
Bjørdalen-Isfjorden coastline in Svalbard, where signifi-
cant coastal erosion was observed during a storm event
in September 2015, was submitted to the ISOPE-2017
conference in San-Francisco, USA.
Numerical modelling of the Bjørndalen-Isfjorden coastline
at Spitsbergen, where significant coastal erosion was
observed during a storm event in September 2015. The
observations showed that the coastlines with gentle
slopes were severely affected due to the erosion.
U (m/s)
450m 250m 0m
30m 15m 0m
= 1.8m
= 2.0m
(a) t= 50s
(b) t=76s
(c) t= 150s
(d) t=300s
30m 15m 0m