A good number of Norwegian municipalities don’t hold meetings
for several weeks each autumn. During the moose hunt, no one
will show up. The hunt is sacred. The mixture of excitement,
companionship, autumn leaves at their most colourful and an
occasional blue sky beats everything. Plus, there’s delicious
food to be harvested. One of this writer’s fondest childhood
memories is the smell of moose kidneys sizzling in the pan.
Point taken? SFI CASA Director Magnus Langseth is a hunter.
Come late September, he’s gone. Crocs empty in the office, toes
happily curling in forest boots.
The link? Possibly none, but a moose hunter needs to be alert,
focused, patient and good at communicating with the rest of
the team. This just might be some of the qualities that have
brought SIMLab and CASA to their current position.
When the Research Council of Norway wrote their Midway
Evaluation of SFI SIMLab, they described Professor Langseth
like this: “of remarkable scientific and professional
management quality”.
He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Impact
Engineering and sits on two more editorial boards. In other
words, he is a world capacity in his field.
At the same time, he is a boy, beaming with childish joy. His
energy and enthusiasm never fails, his creativity and ability to
act swiftly likewise. His laughter echoes in the corridors.
There are other sides, too, he confesses:
“I very much need to feel that everyone is on board. Sometimes,
when I say or do things, I can spend days waiting for signals
that everything is OK.”
“The group has been likened to a family. What do you think?”
“I sympathize with that. Everyone knows each other really well;
the atmosphere is friendly and very open. In a family, mom and
dad should be present. With us, senior professors arrive early
and they are not the first to leave. There is a general sense of
well-being. We enjoy each other’s company.”
A recent evaluation by three international panels found that 2
out of 64 Norwegian technology research groups were world
leading. SIMLab was one of them.
Professor Langseth emphasizes the combined effort behind.
The group that has so far culminated in the NOK 300 million
SFI CASA programme has taken 25 years to build.
Some people and institutions have been particularly important.
Professor Per Kristian Larsen was vital from the start. He was
Langseth’s supervisor for his PhD thesis.
Statoil Director and NTNU Adjunct Professor Jon M. Huslid
played a decisive role in choosing impact as the focus point. In
1983/84, he commissioned and financed Langseth’s PhD thesis.
“Statoil were concerned what would happen if a 3-ton drill pipe
dropped to the deck of an oilrig during installation. He wanted
us to find out. We wrote a description of the project and applied
for NOK 80 000. We got one million. This enabled us to build
a test rig that is still in use. We developed a formula model
that describes how much energy is needed to penetrate a steel
plate. The formula still stands,” says Langseth.
The focus on impact in turn triggered Arnfinn Jenssen, Head of
R&D at the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency. He and Hydro
Director Einar Wathne were central in the funding of research
activities and the lab that is such a crucial part of SIMLab.
Hydro’s interest started after another decisive moment in
SIMLab/CASA’s history, namely the discussion between Larsen,
Langseth and Odd Sture Hopperstad about the future of the
research group. They decided to dive into aluminium and the
focus was placed on the modelling of the material and its use
in structural applications.
As Langseth puts it: “Hydro had a lot of metallurgists, but
limited competence in modelling and structural design.”
Arnfinn Jenssen also provided valuable staff by sending newly
graduated civil engineers to SIMLab for their military service.
One of them was Professor Tore Børvik. Today he is CASA’s Co-
Director. Professor Arild Holm Clausen and SINTEF Research
Director Odd-Geir Lademo were recruited in the same way.
In addition, Professor Langseth stresses the theoretical
capacity of CASA’s Research Director Odd Sture Hopperstad:
“Our cooperation has been extremely rewarding, with me on
the more practical and administrative side.”
Some of this is history, some is still actual fact. As far as
the future is concerned, Magnus Langseth is happy to see
that CASA succeeds in its strategy of recruiting candidates
primarily from NTNU.
And the farm? Hasn’t seen cows and sheep in decades.
If you’re grateful for Magnus Langseth’s scientific contributions,
say thank you to his wife. She stopped him from taking over the family farm.
What she hasn’t done, is take the hunter out of him.