Norgren, P., Ludvigsen, M., Ingebretsen, T. and Houstein, V. E.
Tracking and remote monitoring of an autonomous underwater
vehicle using an unmanned surface vehicle in the Trondheim
Proceedings of the OCEANS MTS/IEEE.
Norgren, P. and Skjetne, R. Iceberg Detection and Edge-Fol-
lowing using AUV with Multibeam Sonar.
Proceedings of the
International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under
Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)
Norgren, P. and Skjetne, R. Line-of-sight iceberg edge-follow-
ing using an AUV equipped with multibeam sonar.
of the IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine
Craft (MCMC)
Onishchenko, D. and Marchenko, A. Analytical estimation of
maneuverability of moored FPU with internal turret in close
Proceedings of the International Conference on Port and
Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)
Polojärvi, A., Tuhkuri, J. and Pustogvar, A. Why simulate ice
rubble shear box tests?
Proceedings of the Numerical Methods
in Geotechnical Engineering (NUMGE).
Pustogvar, A. and Høyland, K.V. Density measurements of
saline ice by hydrostatic weighing in paraffin.
Proceedings of
the International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering
under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15).
Ranta, J., Polojärvi, A. and Tuhkuri, J. Ice load estimation
through combined finite-discrete element simulations.
ceedings of the International Conference on Port and Ocean Engi-
neering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15).
Ren, Z., Skjetne, R. and Hassani, V. Supervisory Control of Line
Breakage for Thruster-Assisted Position Mooring System.
Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control
of Marine Craft (MCMC).
Ren, Z., Skjetne, R. and Kjerstad, Ø.K. A Tension-based Posi-
tion Estimation Approach for Moored Marine Vessels.
ings of the IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine
Craft (MCMC).
Sakharov, A., Karulin, E., Marchenko, A., Karulina, M., Sodhi,
D., and Chistyakov, P. Failure envelope of the brittle strength
of ice in the fixed-end beam test (two scenarios).
of the International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering
under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15).
Samuelsen, E.M., Løset, S. and Edvardsen, K. Marine icing
observed on KV Nordkapp during a cold air outbreak with a
developing polar low in the Barents Sea.
Proceedings of the
International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under
Arctic Conditions (POAC`15).
Scourfield, S., Sammonds, P., Lishman, B. and Marchenko, A.
The effect of ice rubble on ice-ice sliding.
Proceedings of the
International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under
Arctic Conditions (POAC`15).
Shestov, A., Wrangborg, D. and Marchenko, A. Hydrology of
braganzavågen under ice-covered conditions.
Proceedings of
the International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering un-
der Arctic Conditions (POAC`15).
Storheim, M., Nord, T., Kim, E., Høyland, K.V., Langseth, M.,
Amdahl, J. and Løset, S. Pilot study of ice-structure interac-
tion in a pendulum accelerator.
Proceedings of the International
Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Condi-
tions (POAC`15).
Tsarau, A., Lubbad, R. and Løset, S. Recent advances in mod-
elling the hydrodynamic effects on ice motion and ice- struc-
ture interactions offshore.
Proceedings of the International Con-
ference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions
Wold, M., Instanes, A. and Watn, A. Thermal modelling of ero-
sion protection with Geosynthetic containers in combination
with Light Clay Aggregate.
Proceedings of GEOQuébec, 2015
Wrangborg, D., Marchenko, A. and Murashkin, D. Measure-
ment of loads exerted by sea ice on the quay at kapp amster-
dam on Svalbard.
Proceedings of the International Conference on
Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC`15)
MSc theses (11):
Billington, T. Online shape estimation of icebergs at sea.
Gjessing, I. A. Control and simulation of a thruster-assisted
moored offshore vessel in sea-ice.
Larssen, G. Ice Detection and Tracking Based on Satellite and
Radar Images.
Lindbjør Nilsen, H. Finite Element Simulations of Punch Tests
on Ice Rubble with the Modified Cam Clay Model.
Ren, Z. Fault Tolerant Control of Thruster-Assisted Position
Mooring System.
Syeda Wahida, R. Numerical Modelling of Sediment Transport
in the Arctic.
Grevsgård, S.M. Finite Element Simulations of Unconsolidated
Keel Actions from First-Year ice ridges.
Ksenofontova, D. Thermodynamic consolidation of broken ice
and ice ridges.
St’Petersburg Politechnical University.
Agafonov, A. Deformation of cofferdams due thermal expan-
sion of ice and gravelling.
St’Petersburg Politechnical University.
Blasterdalen, B. Deformation of sheet pile wall by thermal ex-
pansion of ice and soil backfilling.
Murashkin, D. Influence of brine migration on thermal expan-
sion of sea ice.
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.